Friday, November 27, 2009

I'll not forget these gifts to me...

Today, I got my birthday card from Michelle M., and since it's from her, you KNOW it oozed awesomeness! It was a purple envelope with little stickers on it of some purple cartoon characters. Inside was a card that was, of course, purple, but it had like a purple lacey looking stuff design on it, giving it an antique feel, and elegant writing on it. There was so much purpleness, I almost overdosed on purple. But purple so awesome, you could never OD on it, thank God!!!
After work, I stopped at the grocery store. I have one of those canvas bags I take in and fill up, saving the enviornment, that's me. Anyway, I got milk, some cans of soup and couple other items, but it was a bit heavy. I got in my car on the drivers' side and lifted the bag up and across the seat to put it on the passengers side floor. But as I did, and as I said it was a bit heavy, I grunted and actually said, in my head, "Wow, that's really heavycopterz." HONESTLY! And then I just kinda sat there and stared ahead, gobsmacked that I actually thought that way! Sassy-josh-speak has infected that little voice in my head!
I also tonight watched the latest Dr. Who "The Waters Of Mars", thanks be to FDot for sending me the DVD of it. I gotta tell you, I quite liked it. Yeah, it was just a setup for the next one, but it was a damn fine setup! I was right with the Doctor as he was being torn apart, watching them trying to escape, but knowing the outcome. Once again, the ending was a bit too much Deux Ex Machina, but it didn't ruin it for me. Still, all in all, a great emotional episode. And it shows once again just how crappy American TV is in comparison to British TV. If only Hollywood was capable of making something like this, instead of the mindless fluff they endlessly churn out.
Had to work today. Kinda sucks, in that it was a holiday for most people at work, but it was a positive cause now I have a holiday I can take whenever I damn well please. Wake up one morning, don't feel like going to work, I'll call in and take my Day After Thanksgiving and go back to sleep. I did get to deal with a 19 year old veteran who has lost the lower have of one leg and has a prosthetic one. I tell you, nothing brings the world back into focus like someone who could be your son that's been maimed in war and bears the scars, physical and emotional and possibly psychological of it. Man, I really felt for the kid. I felt so helpless, cause I wanted to do something to help him, but what I could do was extremely limited. Poor kid.

Something like that clarifies the fact that your life isn't as horrible and angst filled as you sometimes may think it is.

POLT Listening to "15 Step" by Radiohead

Don't accept candy from strangers; get real estate.


Michelle M. said...

I've thought in joshpeak a few times too. But I don't think you're really fluent until you start dreaming in it.

Polt said...

Well, i DO dream about Sassy josh quite a bit, but I don't recall much josh-speak. :)


Tam said...

LOL I've found myself with this strange urge to put zeds (zees?) on he end of words. The man seems to have wormed his way into our subconscious. In a good way of course.

I have to work between Christmas and NY but I don't mind much since it means coming in late, leaving early and basically doing noting much since everywhere in the world is shut down. Oh yeah, long lunches with the few of us who show up.

Polt said...

Tam: I don't think you can get the full effective of joshspeak by just reading it. One must actually HEAR in it's natural form to get the full effect.

It's quite a phenomenon. :)


Anonymous said...

Poor kid..... serving the country really cost him.

hoteltuesday said...

Sassy Josh speech has infiltrated the entire blogosphere. Don't feel bad.