Thursday, October 19, 2006

Country bumkin and a prince to join in marriage...

So, recently, Senator John McCain (the presumptive Republican nominee for president in 2008, if such a thing coudl be presumed this early on) was Hardball with Chris Matthews. I read the transcripts online and the following exchange took place:

MATTHEWS: Should there be—should gay marriage be allowed?
MCCAIN: I think that gay marriage should be allowed, if there‘s a ceremony kind of thing, if you want to call it that. I don‘t have any problem with that, but I do believe in preserving the sanctity of a union between man and woman.

Hmm, so what excatly does that mean? He supports gay marriage, but thinks straight marriage needs to be preserved? I fail to see how two men getting married threatens ANY straight marriage, but then that's just me.

Let's see how long it takes him to repudiate this statement. I mean, he's gonna have to get through the Republican primaries and there ain't no way the Far Right, Christian conservative religious radicals are gonna be voting for anyone that supports two men in love getting married.

Still, if he can be made to stick to it, that's a promising thing.

POLT = listening to "Circles" by Soul Coughing

What kinda name is Ida? What's it short for: Ida-Preferred-A-Different-Name? - Sheen, Jimmy Neutron

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

McCain meant "married" in a not allowed to be married kind of way.If two men are allowed to get married then two women will want to marry. Then two parakeets and two gerbils and two fleas and two microbes. Where will it end? With todays divorce rate, if we allow Gays to marry they might just be better at it and make the straights look bad. Like in designing and cooking and dancing and writing and acting and...