Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The pages of love don't talk decently it's true...

Some cartoons.

Hmm, I wonder how one can be the party of "Family Values" and "Morality" and "Decency" not only allows a pedophile to enter thier midst, but even WORSE allows him to continue his ways 5 years after being alerted to them.

Seems to me the Republicans only had two issues to run on this year: Security and Family Values. And since we now know thier war in Iraq has indeed NOT made us safer, and since we now know they actively harbored a pedophile in their ranks, what possible reason could anyone have for voting for them?

POLT = listening to "This Is The Last Time" by Keane

Jessica Simpson wouldn't sleep with Nick Lachey until they tied the knot - 'won the battle, lost the war' springs to mind. - Gary Ryan

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