Sunday, October 08, 2006

Now holidays come, and then they go...

Does anyone else see any irony in today, Sunday October 8, 2006 being both Clergy Appreciation Day and National Children's Day?

Or is it just me?

Perhaps there'll be simultaneous celebrations of both holidays in some dioceses today?

.......oh, yeah, I'm gonna burn for this one.....

POLT = listening to "Don't Call Me Baby" by Madison Avenue

"God damn!" "Watch your mouth! If there was ever a time to be polite to the almighty - facing a dozen demons would be it!" - Black Lightning, The Outsiders #10

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow is Columbus day here and Turkey Day in Canada. Columbus isn't really worthy of a day. He allowed his men to kill every native person that he found on the Island of Cuba. I'm glad we are named America instead of Columbia. Maybe my being part Native American is why I don't feel like celebrating.