Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm on the hunt, I'm after you...

Okay, this project that I previously mentioned, it's an online Scavanger Hunt. It's done monthly. And you're supposed to find each thing mentioned. I attempted to do this this month, although I honestly didn't work as hard on it as I could have, so I do not have all 20 things we were supposed to get. But in my defense, 1) I didn't get the list until about the 21st of the month so I didn't have a full month to work on it and 2) I'm lazy. SO that's basically why I didn't get it finished. I did however get SOME photos, and i've posted them below.

1. Scream (I'm thinking about Republican's retaining control of Congress in a week)

2. A murder of crows
3. Haunted House (not the house itself, obviously....)

4. Hellhound (now this one I had a great photo the Poopinator I took a few years ago with a little devil costume I had gotten for her...but I couldn't find it. So use your imaination...)
5. Spirits (nuff said)

6. Now she could be the Bride Of Frankenstien (yeah, that what it read. And yes, this IS Uncle Polt...in his Jewish grandmother costume)

7. Vamp(ire?) (once again, Uncle Polt...in a rather unimaginative costume)

8. Black Cat (this is the black jaguar from a nearby zoo)

9. Cemetary, at night ( I know, it's NOT a cemetary..but it IS a funeral home...BOTH hold corpses! Work with here people)

10. A Grotesque (I know this only as an adjective, not a noun, so I wasn't sure what they wanted)
11. Scarab (a photo of one, nearly as large as my hand, taken at the National Zoo)

12. Organ (yeah, my dirty mind went right THERE! And then I couldn't really think of anything else)
13. Unlucky Thirteen (I thought this one woudl be easy, but I just could not come up with anything)
14. Rosemary's Baby (with help from the preggers Amie)

15. Scarecrow (hanging out on a pole in town)

16. Full Moon (no it isn't mine, I wouldn't subject you all to that again!)

17. Skull (never said it had to be a human skull!)

18. Fog or Mist (you probably can't really see it, but there IS a mist there!)

19. Bat (my lucky bat tiara)

20. Evil Eye (again, I thought this one would be easy, but everything I tried came out wrong.)

So that's it for October. November's will be posted tomorrow, and i'll start anew.

POLT = listening to "Vogue" by Madonna

You know there's a stink in here, Eddy, there's a little bit of a vile, musky whiff of fecundity in the air! - Patsy, Absolutely Fabulous


Ryan said...

omg what an awesome post the moon and all!

Anonymous said...

Is that Freddies Moon? Nice!!!

Anonymous said...

That was wonderful!