Monday, October 30, 2006

Slow, slow, clothed in new costumes...

Okay, got a few costume ideas for any upcoming Halloween Parties you may be attending tomorrow night.

One staple of the Halloween costume is the superhero! It's tried and true. And there's many to choose from.

One could always go as Superman, espeically if one were young, cute and somewhat Asian appearing.

Or one could go as Spider-Man, whether the costume fit properly or not. Or perhaps, if you look like him, especially if the costume is a little small and needs to be...torn in appropriate places.

One could also go as any one of a number of X-men, God knows there more X-Men in comics now that there are Chins in a Chinese phone book...or on Rush Limbaugh. SPeaking of Asians, I've never known Cyclops to be of Asian descent, but hey it's not unheard of. Psyloche went from an upper class British woman to an Asian assassin, so there is a precedent. This Gambit is MUCH hotter than the one in the comics. And while the NIghtcrawler costume IS well done, I seriously doubt Kurt Wagner would carry around a bottle of Vodka. I'm just sayin...

If one wanted to, one could go nearly naked, although we all hope one would have a physique similar to these guys:

Okay, so he's wearing a leaf bikini, would he be Adam perhaps? Or a Native of a lost island? either way, doesn't the cellphone at his waist kinda ruin the who image? course, honestly, if this guy's at any party I'm at, I won't even SEE the cellphone, cause i'll be staring at his pert ass!

An Indian, that's a good way to have an actual costume that everyone will recognize, and yet, still show off that sporty body. Course, I'd suggest he take the loincloth just a smidge higher...but then that's just me.

Original, yes, a baby with his...banana sticking out. Course, I'd wanna make sure that some time during the evening, I'd help the guy change his diaper. but that's the helpful kinda guy I am.

Yeah, okay I really have no IDEA what these guys are supposed to be, but I gotta tell ya, I don't really care. Just so long as they spend most of the night in my line of sight.

I have no idea what this kid is trying to be either. the face paint of a football player? the letters on his chest Fraternity letters, perhaps? The pad and pencil, a census taker, maybe? i don't know, but I gotta admire the kid's balls putting this costume on. no seriously, I wanna admire his balls. Really. And anything else nearby....

soooo, a tiara and no shirt?, no idea.

A simple tied on mask? nope, not a clue. but really, when you look like them, and you're showing your body off like they are, WHY cover it? Show it, if you got it!

This one, while very funny, coudl be rather confining, as you'd be stuck up against a wall all night. I wonder if the naked guy with the paper comes with the costume. but I think I'd have to say no to this one, cause just imagine the mess once everyone gets drunk, has full bladders, and has thier vision messed with by the alochol. Ewww.....

Back to the superhero motif for a moment: Batman and Robin. Awwwwww..... (think of the kinda movie they could made with Vla Kilmer and Chris O'Donnell and this script!)

Penis suit. Penis Suit?? PENIS SUIT!!! BWAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Although, where you are allowed to go in this might be a tad limited.

Now this one, THIS one is my favorite. Tippy Hedren in the Birds! BWAHHHAHAAAHAHAHAH!!! God I love it! I wish I had thought of soemthing liek this, I would have worn it somewhere, if I could ever have gotten it made!

So there's some ideas to help you with your costumes this year. Good luck!

POLT - listening to "Anarchy In The UK" by The Sex Pistols

Reportedly, Texas has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and divorces and Massachusetts has the least of each. Presumably, Dubya, in a rush to save us all, didn't have time to fix Texas first. - Lawrence Angle, Dec 7, 2004

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