Wednesday, October 25, 2006

You can kill them in the classic style...

So I'm driving home from work today. I had my iPod with me, although I decided to listen to the radio. So I'm flippin through the stations and I come upon Guns N Roses, "Welcome To The Jungle". Haven't heard it in a while and so I leave it there and sign along...if the noises I was making could be called singing. ANd then the song ends, and Pink Floyd's "Money" comes on, so I sing that too. Near the end of the song, it occurs to me, those were kinda strange songs to play back to back. And then a promo plays mentioning how they play "The valley's classic rock!" and cut to a Led Zeppelin song.

And all i can think it: Guns N Roses are classic rock!?!?!? When did this happen? I mean, yeah the song's almost 20 years old, but I thought GNR was still, like a popular band! Well, I guess since they haven't released anything, or even really BEEN a band, in like ten years or so, maybe that explains it. But Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was released in the fall of 1991, so that's like 15 years old....does that mean in 5 years Nirvana will be classic rock???? Oh for God's sake....the horror!

And speaking of Nirvana, I heard on the radio that Kurt Cobain now officially the dead celebrity that made the most money last year, beating out the periennial champion, Elvis. Who knew? I wonder where Marilyn Monroe and James Dean stand on the list.

.....geeez, GNR, classic rock....what the hell?.....

POLT = listening to "Dreamland" by The B-52's

The reality is that a majority of Americans like, or at least don't mind, killing foreigners, provided thecost is not too high; they don't give the flip of a middle finger abuot the opinions of the rest of the world; they don't understand deficits and the dangers they pose; they prefer simplicity to complexity; and they would rather believe than think. - Charley Reese, Nov 13, 2004

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