Saturday, October 07, 2006

I said now, overcast days never turned me on...

The weather here has turned cold, and it's been overcast, damp, rainy, dreary, the whole bit. And my mood has been reflected in the weather. Not that this type of weather usually makes me this way, I think it's just coincidental. Nonetheless, I am somewhat melancoly.

I'm not sure why I'm this way, I think it's a combination of different things. My Toronto vacation was incredibly fun and exciting. And then I return to the hum-drum of my normal life. That's probably the biggest part of it all. But in addition to that...

1) I've got either the beginnings of a cold or a sinus infection. Again. My heads all clogged and foggy, by throats a bit sore, and I feel like I'm not all here, if that makes any sense.
2) I haven't seen Freddie in over two weeks now.
3) My tooth issues. (oh yeah, not only did it crack, and then fall out (the cracked part i mean), but then I had to stress about what the dentist would do, and the filling he put in, fell out not 24 hours after he put it in. So now, I've got a hole in my tooth, I can feel the pins he put in it, and I don't have $200 plus dollars for my part of a crown.
4) money issues. I know, I know, I just went on vacation, and I shouldn't be complaining about money, but really, my finances are SO fucked up...I don't even how any idea how much money I actually have. And I'm behind on some bills.
5) Work is a continual drag, as always. Well the co-workers and stuff. And I mean I can NOT get motivated to do what I'm supposed to do. I waste so much time, but i just can't get any motivation to do otherwise.
6) I hate getting out of bed in the morning. I want to just lay there, even if I'm not sleeping.
7) I don't feel like doing much of anything that I enjoy. It's almost a chore to post here, and even reading comic books and downloading porn don't carry the same thrill they once did.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not depressed or anything. I've been depressed before, I know what that feel like, and this ain't it. I just dont...have any motivation to do much of anything, nor do I have a desire to change. I really just think it's mainly the returning to "normal" life, and the becoming ill. Yuck. How blah.

POLT = listening to "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor

The dead make most people uncomfortable, especially when they're walking. - Dr. Mid-Nite, JSA #61


Anonymous said...

I hope you get to feeling better. Try some NYQUIL. When Freddie gets there I'm sure things will look up.

Anonymous said...

How dare you copy my list of ailments? Well....almost....

It all seems to make sense, to me anyways, that you would be suffering these ailments after such a fabulous (oops!!...did I say that?), fantastic vacation with all of those friends shall we say.

Putting out all of that energy over a long weekend (not to mention the output of bodily fluids) would certainly mess with the chemicals in your body and brain. Taking its toll on your immune system goes right along there too. So does having a dentist rummaging around in your mouth how many times.

I do think that you are slightly depressed or just in a rut that seems impossible to get out of. (There are some good medications out there that mask these symptoms.)

First start drinking as much fluid (preferably water, sugar-free, etc.) as possible until you feel like you are going to float away. Include fruit juices, soups and other hot beverages when possible. After 3-4 days of mostly fluids the toxins will be all flushed (literally) out of your system.
Get the dentist thing resolved as soon as possible. I'm sure Mama Polt would be as generous as ever considering the, I mean was I? (See what good medications will do to a guy?)

I'm sure that seeing Freddie will help your mood a lot. You really need to baby yourself a bit right now. By that I mean taking care of your health and not overdoing it at least until you get past this rut. So, no marathon, record breaking sexual encounters (just a few weeks...I didn't say never again), no excessive alcohol consumption (it doesn't count as the fluids I mentioned before), and just go with the flow at work. You need to keep up your energy for the upcoming Holiday season with Halloween, birthdays, Thanksgiving, etc, etc, coming up.

As for the finances...I can't advise you there since its also one of my own ailments at the moment.
If you don't heed (behoove, as they liked to call it in the military) my advice, which you KNOW is in your best interest, I may have to plan my own vacation to come out there and whip you into shape. Bwahahahahaha!!!! Well, it sounded good anyways.

As always,
Dr. Fairy Godfather