Monday, October 23, 2006

I don't wanna classify you like an animal in the zoo...

No this past weekend, but the weekend before, when Freddie was here, we went to the National Zoo in DC. I took a ton of photos, and I won't bore you with all of them, but I'll post some here.

This is my Freddie in front of the metal lion at the zoo's entrance.

We were in the elephant house at the right time to watch them clean the elephant. They scrubbed him one side, and then the other and got him to lay down and roll over so they could scrub the top of him, and when they sprayed him with the hose, he'd open his mouth, it was funny to watch the whole thing.

Outside the elephant house was a giraffe. Freaky lookin animal up close.

We saw a hippo.

And I don't remember what this thing was called (perhaps Freddie can tell us) but I remember it was a the world's largest rodent. Basically, it's a rat the size of beagle. Oh yeah, THAT'll give ya nightmares.

And outside the elephant house, we saw two large female elephants.

And this, well this is my sweetie, watching the elephants.

Okay, in the birdhouse, they had several different cages and cases housing different birds. one of them was being cleaned, and this is the hottie doing it. Or more accurately, the hottie's ass. He had brown dreadlocks, and even though I didn't get a good shot of his face, he was freakin hott!

And this is a side view of said hottie.

This is a weird lookign crane. I only mention this because this was the spot where, since there was no one around, I insisted Freddie kiss me, which he did. ANd then he noticed the camera. And then we saw the sign that said people at this exhibit were being observed and part of a project dealing with zoo visitors behavior. And he kinda freaked. Personally, I thought it was funny, that we were filled, not that he freaked.

Oh, by the way, the crane's are aggresive. Heheheehe...the sign made me chuckle.

A flock of pink flamingos. They skwalked and protested when a group of ducks came towards them. Reminded me of a group of gay guys, all just standing around and preening, and how they'd react if they were disturbed: skwalking and protesting.

Going down this hill, pedestrians were to walk on the left, while the right side was for motorized vehicles. They had these guys painted on the left side periodically. This is me, assuming that position...sorta.

Inside the Amazonia house, there were several fish that were just an obscene size. You can see the fish behind me, use me ofr perspective. That is REAL size of that fish!! It's like ove a yard long, and a foot high, and about a foot wide...just crazy big!

They also had this scarab from the Amazon there. THere's nothing for persepctive but from one end to another is about the size of a human hand. It's big.

At the petting zoo, they had several animals there, one of which was a goat named Ethel. Ethel is Ag's nickname for me, so I got a picture of myself with Ethel's picture.

They also had a miniature horse (or was he a mule) named Giuseppie (I doubt I spelled that right). I liked the name, but he ignored me when i tried to tell him that. Perhaps I was embarrassing him in front of the rest of the petting zoo.

tiny burger, a couple fries and a big huge soda. That's what 8 bucks and some cents gets you at the zoo's eating establishment.

We got to see a tiger pacing.

We went through the invertibrate house, and saw these spiders making webs. Now mind you, they weren't in a cage, just an alcove. And they were a few inches long. Icky!

I like this picture. This iguana reminds me of me: fat, lazy, just laying there enjoying the sunning.

After the zoo we went to the gay-berhood of DuPont Circle and walked around there a bit to a few shops. As we waited for the train in the Metro I got a photo of Freddie in front of the sign. hehehe....the look, the hand gesture...he's so gay sometimes.

And that, friends and neighbors is the abbridged version of our trip to the National Zoo. What I might not have shown is the fun we had. A fun time all in all.

POLT = listening to the Cowboys losing to the Giants

In a world where carpenters get resurrected, anything's possible. - Eleanor, The Lion In Winter


Anonymous said...

The large rat-type thing you were referring to is actually called a capybara. that trip was a lot of fun...even if we did get caught making out on camera. i love you sweetie. DuPont was a lot of fun, we'll have to go back sometime, and to the zoo again so we get to see the Asia Trail exhibit! MUAH I love you sweetie, talk to you soon. love Freddie Bear

exile said...

dude, freddie likes to fly the colors sometimes

hehehe, polt-guanna

The Persian said...

very cool pictures Polty, I'm sooo afraid of elephants. The dreadlocks guy is kind of cute yea (from the 2nd pic).

Ryan said...

damn i love the zoo i want 2 go with u guys sometime!

katarina said...

I love a good zoo.

Anonymous said...

For some reason I love Flamingos. It is sad that the only ones we see up here are the tacky plastic lawn ornaments.
Freddie is Gay? Are you sure? hehehe!