Saturday, December 27, 2008

my dreams inside my head again, after christmas...

first, let me say that I am writing this on my new laptop (I oughtta come up with a name for it, hmm...) while sitting on my bed. First time I've ever done that. Pretty nifty.

Anyway, I wanted to make sure everyone knew I had survived Target the day after Christmas. I think what's more surprising is that I actually managed to get my ass up at 6:30 am. But I did it, and got showered and all and got to Target in plenty of time. There were quite a few cars in the parking lot, but when I went into the store, it looked pretty empty. Until, of course, I got into the back corner where the holiday stuff was. Oh, how horrible that was.

People had their carts lined up on both sides of the aisle, some sitting unattended, some with people standing behind them. At any rate, it left a center area barely wide enough to handle a cart...which many people were tryingto push through. And then there were the cartless ones, like myself, who still had trouble manuvering because of all the stupids carts.

And people were going through stuff, almost throwing them aside. I mean they had a whole row of nothing but wrapping paper, and more than a quater of them were just laying all about, not in the boxes. Crazy.

I'm glad i went thought, cause in previous years, target had an entire wall full of leftover Christmas cards. This year, they only had one small section. If I had stopped by after work, I would not only had have to deal with a lot more cars and traffic, I'm sure, but there might not have been any cards left. Which would have forced me to then go to... *SHUDDER*...Wal-Mart. On the day after Christmas. *double shudder*

But despite all this, I still managed to get my cards, and get out of the store and to work with more than a half hour to spare. And I did it with all limbs attached, and not bleeding anywhere, and with not traffic accidents. Always a good set of things to occur.

POLT Listening to something from the new GunsNRoses album on the radio

We need to lead the world, not alienate it. - Hillary Clinton, July 26, 2004

1 comment:

Ray Avito said...

A job well done, Poltie! I felt myself tensing up as you were describing the crowded aisle...YIKES!