Thursday, December 11, 2008

They are blind, and shall not see...

Some people, over the last 8 years, were totally blind to everything Bushie was doing right in front of their eyes: shredding the Constitution; trampling our civil rights by listening to phone calls without a warrant and doing away with habeus corpus, torturing people; and all the bold faced obvious lies he told to take to us war in Iraq.

And yet, these same people are now totally convinced, after just three days with the news, that President-Elect Obama is crooked and corrupt because of the governor of Illnois's attempt to sell the Senate seat, despite the US Attorney involved saying neither Obama nor anyone his staff is being under investigation for it, and Obama and his staff denying any involvement.

I wonder, is this irony, hypocracy or just plain idiocy? Or a combination of all three?

POLT Listening to "World" by New Order

"Bob! Bob, you are alive!" "....Apparently so." - Rebedeau, OZ


Anonymous said...

It's stupidity. And it's also people with a stunted cognitive ability.

More data is coming out that intelligence is a function of two things. One of them is nutrition, but the other is stimulation.

So in essence the Bush folks, that hardcore 28% who think he's doing a swell job are malnourished and unstimulated people.

Anonymous said...

It's tha neo-con right wing taking pot shots at Obama. They feel nothing about outright lying to the American public. That is to be expected.


Ray Avito said...

Combination of all three with a dash of desperation thrown in.

I'm pretty sure the guy is even on tape complaining about the fact that Obama wouldn't play ball. I'll enjoy watching how this is spun during the round table on Fox News Sunday.

Anonymous said...

The Warden came past my office on Thursday and said, "Have you read about the Illnois governor?" I, of course, said "Yes." He then rolled his eyes and said "Makes you wonder what kind of person Obama is.." then walked away.

But I bet that doesn't surprise you considering the sourch, huh?