Tuesday, December 23, 2008

so, yesterday started out just fine. I got up early (8:30 is early for me), went to a neighboring town and did some last minute shopping. I went over to mom's and had lunch. And then I intended on coming back here, posting some to the blog, then waiting for a friend to come over.

However, I got sick. I don't know what it was, but I felt nauseus, had a headache, was freezing, had a fever, and I ached, even my knuckles. Felt totally completely crappy.

My friend from work, Laura, was coming over to help me set up my router so I could use my laptop. She got here and I was absolutely no help whatsoever, because of the way I felt. Honestly, I pretty much just laid on the couch and fitfully slept. There were problems with the setup, cause it took her from 6:00 until roughly 9:30 to get it hooked up, but she did. She spent all that time fiddling with it, God bless her. I surely wouldn't have had the patience, but she said she enjoyed doing stuff like that. So, if you're reading Laura, thanks again.

After she left, I watched a bit more of TV, and then just felt so crappy that I went to bed. And I had a very fitful night sleeping. I couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, I even went back to the couch to sleep for a while.

I slept for over 12 hours, and had nothing to eat in 24 hours...although Im now eating some toast and drinking some ginger ale. I'll post more as I feel better, hopefully I'll feel even better as the day goes on.

Be well.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I said before, it's no big deal - I like learning to troubleshoot computer things. As long as it's all still working, that's all that matters. Merry Christmas!!!