Tuesday, May 05, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 136)...

TMI Tuesdays

1. Have you ever bought a membership to a porn site? If yes, what is the most recent one and did you like it? No I've never paid for a membership to any site. Xtube and Gaytube have free memberships, why would I need to pay for something else?
2. Would you rather watch a erotic/porn movie, read a story, or listen to an audio? Why? Not much into the audio only aspect, but I can watch a porno, read a story depending on my mood.
3. If you have a significant other what do you do for each other to get in the mood? If you don't what would you kind of thing could a future potential long term partner do to get you in the mood? Kiss me. That never fails to get me all fired up.

4. When it comes to sex, how much do you talk about it with others? How comfortable are you talking about sex? Oh, I got no problem at ALL talking about sex. And I think most of my friends will back me up on this. I usually give out more information than they'd want or need.
5. What are the last 5 things you search for on Google (or another search engine)? "Currency Converter"; "Casa Loma"; "Comic Book Stores In Toronto"; "Two Men Dancing"; Kingdom Come Action Figures".
Bonus: Have you ever had a fantasy that you were ashamed of? I've had some fantasies I would never want to carry out, but I'm not ashamed I had them. I mean, fantasies don't count, unless you act on them, and then they become actions and not fantasies anymore.

POLT Listening to "Love Rescue Me" by U2

If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator. - George W. Bush

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your answer to #4. That said, I fell rather flat on this TMI too so I didn't bother to post it.

Besides, when you live out all your fantasies it isn't much fun anymore.