Sunday, May 24, 2009

The weekends open wide, fill it up...

So what have I been up to recently, you ask? I'll tell you, with aid from some visuals.

Last Saturday night early evening, I met up with some ex-Borders employees for another getogether at Fridays. Best part of this one was that The Mighty Lee came back to town for the reunion. He left Borders like 7 years ago, and we've not seen him since, although thanks to the Interwebs, he's been in contact for some months with us. At any rate, we all had a blast there.

The Mighty Lee and Virginia

A blurry Ghostie and Mama Kathy (who just recently informed us she always thought of Ghostie and I as Lucy and Ethel, which pleased me to the core! Of COURSE, I was Lucy!)

Half the table: me, The Mighty Lee, Virginia and Ghostie.

The Mighty Lee and I...and thanks to either my strange camera, or Ghostie lack of photographic skill, we're all blurry. Just pretend we took the photo in the midst of an earthquake, and it'll all be fine.

THEN, after that, I went to Michelle's for the goodbye party for Cara!

Michelle took a photo of me with the hot, sexy Jeremy, and Michelle's grandmother. I lurve her. She's of the age where she can say anything about anything, and no one can say anything back to her about it, cause she's old. I wanna be a sassy old grandmotherly type when I reach her age.

Michelle's toilet always make me laugh. Obviously, the seat was purchased seperately, and they don't quite fit. I always giggle when I'm using it, and usually drunk as well, and yet, somehow I don't miss and hit the floor.

Cara, the goodbye girl herself. Not at all sure why she's looking so grumpy. Must be cause she knows she's not gonna get to see me for two months.

I played a team drinking game, and somehow, our team won. This is me, though, looking under the cabinet to mock hot sexy Jeremy about how he's screwing up and losing.

This is the back of an incredibly cute guy that was there. Perhaps you can see how cute he was from his neck, ear, and the back of his head? Cute, but seemingly very stuck on himself. Maria, my new Latina girlfriend, and I decided we'd both do him cause he's so hot, but we'd feel guilty later for schtupping such an arrogant guy. For a few minutes anyway.

Then Sunday, I went to Bob, Don, and Janet's for lunch and just hanging out. Fun times. The only photos I got were of their dogs though.

This is Beau, he loves to run in the fountain and bark at and chase and nip at all the waves he causes. He also chases a laser pointer like cats do. I think he may be retarded. Cute as hell, but still.

This is Simba, poor thing. Don decided to clip him, but the clippers sucked, so he only got like half of him done, and he wasn't done well. He looked to me like a Frankenstein dog: head of one dog, neck of another paws from all different dogs, you get the idea. I almost called the SPCA cause it was nearly animal abuse.

Then, yesterday, I went to my cousin Cam's 4th birthday party. There were TONS of relatives, lots of food, cake and ice cream! But is it wrong that I took the most photos of my cousin Kyle?

These below, however, are the birthday boy himself.

And this below, is the birthday cake. The birthday cake with some PURPLE icing.
And there's Neapolitan ice cream, served on a Dora birthday plate, but the most important thing is PURPLE icing!

And after that, I called Corey, and he stopped by. (unfortunately, I got no photos of this) My apartment was stuffy, so as soon as he got there, he took off his shirt and went around in just his grey wifebeater. *SIGH* I don't think he knows what hot guys in wife beaters do for me. But he wasn't there very long before his girlfriend Krissy stopped by as well.

Usually, Corey and I sit on the couch and talk or watch movies or whatever. But since she was coming over, I took a chair, and let them sit together. And upon meeting her in person, I have to unfortunately say I still like her. Probably even moreso now. She really is fun, and funny. I wanted to hate her, and OH believe me, I tried. But it just wasnt working.

One funny thing was, though, is how she was so possessive of him. I mean, he'd lean forwards, and she's rub his back. He'd lean back, her hand as on his leg. She leaned her head on his shoulder cause she was tired. She'd trace her fingernails down his shoulders and arms lightly. I don't think Corey was even aware of it, cause he and I just kept talking and he didn't seem to pay too much attention to her, only taking and holding her hand once. I suppose my witty reporte is just that captivating. And I didn't say anything about it, but I did smile inwards. Does she view me as a threat? tee, hee.

But we shook hands as she left, and I hugged Corey, at HIS insistance. that's not unusual, I mean we usually hug hello and goodbye everytime. but this time, I was laying off the hugging goodbye, cause, ya know, she was there. And when we did say goodbye, he opened HIS arms and said, "Gimme a hug, ya big lug." And I DID.

And yes, I DID swoon and float around my apartment the rest of the night, thank you very much.

So that's why a lot of the recent posts have been kinda impersonal: I've been busy. Don'tcha hate it when real life intereferes on virtual life?

POLT Listening to "Jin Go Lo Ba" by Fatboy Slim

If I had to have sex with a woman it would be Hillary Swank. Or Tobey MacGuire! - Will, Will & Grace


Tam said...

What an adorable birthday boy. Happy 4th Cam!!

john said...

You got that right! He is so damn cute!

I'm still cracking up about Beau though. Poor special little doggie.

Michelle M. said...

I want some of that cake.

Ray Avito said...

Lucy and Ethel! *chuckling* Look at that frosting...