Monday, September 25, 2006

A cosmopolitan sophisticate of culture and intelligence...

So, ALL 16 American Intelligence agencies have released reports showing that they are ALL in agreement, that the war in Iraq has NOT, I repeat, NOT lessened terrorism in the world, but in fact has increased it. We have NOT rid the world of more terrorists, we have, instead, because of Iraq increased the number of terrorist. We have NOT made the world safer, we have in fact made it LESS SAFE!

This being the case for EVERY American intelligence agency, there was not ONE that dissented out of the 16 of them, when EVERY one of them has agreed this to be the case, why SHOULDN'T we vote the Republicans out of office? Thier whole election plan this year is based around "Re-elect us! We've made the world safer!" They have no other issues they CAN run on.

But now, we find out the world is NOT safer. SO I ask again, what possible reason can there be to vote FOR a Republican for Congress this year?
Several retired Major Generals that have served in Iraq testifiedon Congress that the war in Iraq has been ineptly run since the beginning with underfunding and undermanning. They testified the troops were not safe, they were getting no support from Washington, and the results are evident in all the problems in Iraq now.

Once more, I ask, if THIS is why the Republicans want us to vote for them in six weeks, why in God's name WOULD anyone?
President Clinton's interview with Chris Wallace had me cheering. In answer to whether CLinton felt he did enough to get bin Laden (and in light of all the blame being hurled his way by the far Right Republican Radical conservatives and the crap "mock"umentary showed on TV not too long ago), he answered, "No." he didn't do enough, because he didn't get bin Laden, but at least he TRIED! When he left office, he left a comprehensive worldwide terrorism plan and an supremely qualified man in charge of it. For 8 months, the Bushies did NOTHING at all, never even TRIED to get bin Laden. And then demoted to man in charge.

Also, President Clinton pointed out that the same far Right Republicans who are now ciriticizing him for not doing enough now, were the exact same ones who criticized him in 1998 when he went after bin Laden by saying President Clinton was only trying to distract the country from the Lewinski witch-hunt.

I'm just so glad SOMEBODY is finally out there, pointing out the Republican/Faux News hypocracy and I'm FINALLY glad to sese someone angry about it, and fighting back! I wish MORE Democrats would use facts and reason and documentation to refute this crap that goes virtually unchallenged in the media these days.

Hopefully this will spur more Democrats in office or running for office, to get off thier asses and take on the Repubilicans!

POLT = listening to "Countdown" with Keith Olbermann

It's os easy to say Bush is an idiot. But I don't say it. You just let his own words and his own pictures do it. - Michael Moore


Anonymous said...

Bushie is close friends with Osama's family. The only planes allowed to fly on 9/11 were the ones Bushie ordered to fly Osama's relatives out of the US. He doesn't want to make his Oil friends mad. Speaking of which when will Gasoline prices go back up? The day after the November elections.

Ryan said...

very good post! i glad more people like u r postin about bush and the republicans we so need them out and try 2 say what we can of the way people look at americans.