Monday, September 18, 2006

Fifty women knocking on my door...

I have of late, been mentioning Freddie Bear quite a lot lately, which is understandable, as he's been down here a lot lately. Other than a few sentences and photos, I realized you guys may not have known much about him. So, in order rectify that, I give you:

50 Freddie Facts
1. He was born in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York.
2. He can write with his toes.
3. He plays clarinet, bass clarinet, oboe and piano.
4. He has light brown hair and hazel eyes.
5. He is 6'1" tall about weighs about 195 lbs.
6. His birthday is January 9, 1988.
7. He attends college north of Philadelphia.
8. He is a zoo science major.
9. He used to work at Aeropostale.
10. He has only visited the foreign countries of Scotland and Bermuda.
11. He has visited the following states: Connecticut, Delware, DC, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia.
12. He prefers boxers but wears tight briefs upon request.
13. He does not drink.
14. He does not smoke.
15. He does no illegal drugs.
16. He is Catholic.
17. His favorite color is orange.
18. He is an only child.
19. He has never been to Toronto, but I will correct that in the future.
20. He doesn't like wearing wife-beaters, even though he looks damn fiiiine in them.
21. He doesn't like any professional sports, but thinks that shopping should be one.
22. He eats breakfast cereal without milk and with a spoon.
23. He love folding clothes (see #9).
24. He had never done laundry prior to last week, when Ag and I showed him how.
25. He hates history and is totally apathetic about politics, much to my chagrin.
26. He overpacks for every vacation (naturally, he IS gay, after all.)
27. He thinks lawn gnomes are evil and plotting to take over the world, one yard at a time.
28. He passes out at the sight of a needle.
29. Despite wanting to work with wild animals in a zoo, he does not tolerate domestic animals well.
30. He speaks fluent Spanish.
31. He will under no circumstances consume mayonnaise, eggs, ham and vaginas.
32. He loves Christine Whoreguleria, much to my dismay.
33. He never eats as much as you'd think a growing boy his size would.
34. He never goes anywhere without his laptop.
35. When confronted by an obnoxious straight guy, he can become a flaming queen of the first degree.
36. He has never been in trouble with the law.
37. He cries druing the movie "Rent" (but then who doesn't?)
38. His clothes, accessories, and shoes always match...or he doesn't leave the house.
39. He was bitten by a mouse already at college.
40. He has never eaten Romen noodles nor anything from Chef Boy-R-Dee.
41. He never ate a peanut butter and jelly sandwich until last year.
42. He has Stitch-On-A-Surfboard bobblehead on the dashboard of his car.
43. He wants to go to Australia and New Zealand because of all the exotic and unique animals there.
44. He does not have any credit cards, but he does have a debit card.
45. He uses Curve, Carbon, Mambo, A87, Liz Claiborne for Men, and Lucky for Men, but not at the same time, and smells sexy in any of them.
46. He can flex his fingers backwards to an insanely icky distance.
47. He's never had sex with Asian, American Indian, and a black man only once, but he's still young yet.
48. He finds older, bigger guys sexy and attractive (which is a damn good thing for me).
49. He does not understand, nor appreciate, divided highways.
50. He doesn't mind driving three and a half hours, one way, to spend time with me.

And so, with this info, perhaps you've gained a better picture of what Freddie Bear is like.

POLT = listening to "Personal Jesus" by Marilyn Manson

"Do you believe in God?" "You mean other than Madonna?" - Latter Days


Anonymous said...

Is Freddie still sure about his career choice and going to Australia after what happened to Steve Irwin? Is it hard for him to be Catholic and Gay?

Anonymous said...

Yes, Freddie is still sure of his career choice. I never wanted to work with large animals that could potentially kill me OR anything that has to do with water. So, my career choice is safe. Catholic and gay, Catholic and times it can be hard i guess. especially being part of an strict Catholic family. It's alright though, I get by.

Anonymous said...

About #3....Did you forget skinflute???

Fairy Godfather

Polt said...

Well look at Freddie answering his questions for himself...that's my boy. :)

Mark: No, I could NEVER forget his skill with that...I just chose not to mention it. :)