Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I keep a good friend on videotape...

We all have heard of the Rob Lowe sextape. And the Tommy Lee/Pam Anderson sextape. And of course, the Paris Hilton sextape. Well get ready for the next celebrity sextape scandal. This time, it's Dustin Diamond, better known as Screech from Saved By The Bell.


I. Shit. You. Not.


Yes THAT Screech.

Apparently, its a 40 minute tape of Screech with two, count 'em, TWO women. And apparently they're all three doing sexual stuff, it's not like the two chicks are going at while Screech watches, although that scenario does seem more plausible. But the difference between this 'scandal' and the others is that, Screech apparently WANTS it to be sold. The poor guy's short on cash, and hoping this will get him some money, or maybe more gigs, who knows?

I've said this about other things, but it seems very appropriate here: If Screech making a porno isn't one of the signs of Apocolypse, it damn well outta be!

POLT = listening to "Daniel" by Elton John

"I give up! Don't kill me!" "I don't kill. But I am not averse to inflicting pain." - Batman, Batman #568


Anonymous said...

Screech I don't know but now if it was Zach and Slayter now your talking. I'd pay to see that. I mean It's not like I watched Saved by the Bell or anything. But didn't Slayter raise your flag when they showed him in his Wrestling Outfit? My advice to Screech is to go move in with Kathy Griffith. Girl has got it going on.

Anonymous said...

I think I'd rather poke my own eyes out ....

exile said...

you can't drop a bomb shell like this and not attach a link!

Anonymous said...

Hey sell it while you can. I always thought screech probably had a big wang.


katarina said...

I think Screetch is pretty hot now. I'd spank his lilly white ass. I always thought he'd be hung too.

epicurist said...

Will this be any different than those horrible 80's Staright porn, where you had pretty girls and straight-out fugly guys? Ewww....screech....

A Bronx Tale said...

shut up. you're kidding me.

this has gotta come out. i haven't seen this or heard on the news yet.

can't wait to hear. to funny.

did he mention Zack's name in it?