Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I'll be your connection to the party line...

So, I'm retiring my old Blogpoll about whether you're on my Map or not. I only got 8 responses (6 yes I am on the map, 2 no I am not), and I usually like to wait until I 10 responses, but frankly, I was bored with looking at that particular poll since it's been there like forEVER! So I've put a new one up. It's over there on the left. Vote away.

POLT = listening to nothing as I'm at work

It's the phone cops, man! - Dr. Johnny Fever, WKRP In Cincinnati

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Republicans are scared here in my congressional district of Indiana. They sent George Washington to campaign for them. Said his name was Barbera Bush but he looked like Genereal Washington to me! They're ads on T.V. are saying don't vote Democrat or Nancy Pelosi will become Speaker of the House. They say Demos will raise taxes (Like the Republicans haven't?) And the Democrats want to cut and run in Iraq. Also, terrorists will over run the USA! I guess I better vote Republican...Not if they held a gun to my head! So they are not only Bigots and Homophobes but Sexists too.