Friday, September 01, 2006

Sporadic flow buckles up like a calico...

My posts this weekend are liable to be somewhat sporadic.

1) this is a holiday weekend, and all the celebrating/family crap that goes along with it;
2) my "special visitor" from last weekend is coming down this weekend again;
3) we, along with another friend, are going to a wedding on Saturday;
and I don't know that I'll have all that much free time as a result.

I will post, hopefully at least once each day. And once we get back from the wedding and i get the photos I'll take on the computer, I'll post them too. But as for my regular multi-postings each, probably not.

SO, in order to make it up to you, I leave you with two photos of the Stanford swim team. Enjoy.

POLT = listening to "When Worlds Collide" by Powerman 5000

As we go forward, younger voters are gradually going to move the country in the direction of greater acceptance of gay marriage - whether Karl Rove likes it or not. - Ruy Teixeira


Anonymous said...

Your blogging only once a day? Most other Blogs are updated once or twice a week. I appreciate your diligence in feeling bad about bogging only once a day. It's like oh no instead of a Rolls Royce I have to drive a Mercedes! I think we'll get by, have fun with your special visitor.

Bloooog said...

They are so hot it annoys me haha

katarina said...

Have you the strenghth to go to a wedding with your visitor over?

Polt said...

SL&M: Absolutely yummy!

Ed: Did have fun. I'll be posting about it as soon as I get it all written down...

Stucking: Oh but what a way to be annoyed, eh?

Katarina: I found the strength somehow....although I WAS tired. :)

Jacky: Yeah, or even the team manager...ya know, the guy that gets to be in the locker room with them but doesn't have to swim! Oh, is there such a thing as the team Speedo fitter? A guy who makes sure all the Speedos fit properly? I wanna be THAT guy!