Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Picks up the rice, in a church where a wedding has been...

And now, the wedding.

This was the wedding of Jessica (whom I used to work with at Borders) and Michael (the hot, cute, rich, nice, friendly, too-good-to-be-true guy whom she was marrying. Lucky bitch...).

Ghostie and I had been invited, and we'd both been invited to bring a guest, and since Freddie Bear was staying the weekend, well naturally, he became my guest. (Plus, I wanted to show him off to all my friends who would be there) Freddie Bear and I both had new shirts and pants for the wedding and he had a new tie as well (He chose a purple shirt and tie cause he knew they were my favorite color. All together now...AWWWWW!). We got ready just as Ghostie arrived. And he took a few photos of us, and then we headed out towards the wedding.

It was supposed to be in Huntingdon PA, about an hour and 45 minutes away. MInd you, though, the the remnants of Hurrican Ernesto had been over the area since Friday, so there was plenty of rain to go around. And the wedding was supposed to be outside, with cocktail reception afterwards and then, and I quote, "dancing under the stars". Hmm, well, not with a former hurricane over the area.

Anyway, we made our way up there, Ghostie, Freddie Bear and me.

It took us a bit longer than the hour and 45 minutes because of the weather and the fact neither of them had EVER been that way, and I hadn't been that way in probably 15 years. My cousin had gone to college at Juniata in Huntingdon, and I helped move her up there a few times, but that was in the early 90's. No worries, I knew the way like the back of my hand (or so I said). And I did get up there with little trouble, actually.

We were supposed to turn onto this weirdly named road, and proceed 4.5 miles. We were on 22, on our left was a slight dropoff which led to railroad tracks and then a river, to our right was the sheer side of a mountain. And then suddenly, off to the right was the road we needed. It looked like it was a state maintenance road or something. It wasn't dirt, but it wasn't paved either. It was pretty much just...stones. And it was going up into this mountainous region, with nothing but trees around us. No sight of man, nor house. Oh, there were deer, just walking bakc and forth all over the road as if they owned the place...which I suppose they did. I don't know how long we were on the road, it seemed forever. And we were always going up. At one point I figured there was no wedding, Jessica just sent Ghostie and I these invitations so we'd go up this road to Deliverance-land and get lost. I figured she was probably back home, snickering into her hand at the joke she pulled.

And then we reached the top of the mountain, and off to our right was a driveway. THE driveway! We had arrived! I pulled in and parked alongside it. There was a trailer there, and a guy, whom I assume was hired for the occasion, handed me an umbrella, and told us we needed to walk up the driveway to the house. Ghostie had brought his own unbrella. The guy asked us if we needed two, but since it was a big unbrella, I said Freddie Bear and I could both stand under this one, so off we went. Freddie Bear commented that his arm was getting wet, and I tried to adjust the umbrella accordingly.

At the top of the driveway was the house, and what a house it was. It was beautiful, with a big wrap around porch, and three car garage where the band was set up, and large windows overlooking a slight drop down to some woods. Next to the house, facing that view, were set up rows of chairs, now not to be used, becuase of the rain.

WE got onto the large wrap around porch and put the umbrella there. And itw as only then that I saw the Freddie Bear's arm was pretty much drenched! I had no idea. He wasn't upset, but I didn't think it was hitting him that hard. I felt kinda bad, but I felt worse for Jessica. Without the rain, this would have been an awesome wedding with an incredible view. As it was, they were going to get married on the wrap around porch. Lucky it was so wide.

So we three hung together, since there weren't a lot of people there we knew. Justin, Jessica's brother greeted us almost as soon as we got there. He already had a beer open, which wasn't unusual, but his shirt wasn't off, which WAS unusual. I mentioned the beautiful house and he said without all this fog over the woods, you could see 100 miles, which made me even sadder we didn't have better weather. He chatted us up a bit before moving on. We ran into Jamie and Shannon and Becky, all girls that I knew from Borders/Jessica's parties. All of them, like Justin, were in the wedding party. I have no idea how large the party was, perhaps 6 or 7 bridesmaids? The bridesmaid's gowns were a chocolate color, and when Becky and I were chatting she said she felt like a brown M&M, which made us both laugh.

They had rose petals strewn about the porch, and three tents set up near the area where they were gonna be married. That's where we all had to stand while the "I-do's" were said. They weren't the best assmebled tents I've ever seen (sorry Bob and Wayne, or whomever put them up), but at least we weren't being rained upon and we could see the couple getting married. If we bent over slightly. And looked over the shoulders of the wedding party. Hey, I'm not complaining, at least I got to be there!

After the service, the eating/drinking/mingling began while the wedding party had thier pictures taken. I had a glass of red wine (even though I indicated blush, i took the red wine when offered because the bartender (and Wayne who was helping out) was really busy, and I didn't mind red wine that much). Freddie Bear and I scoped out the tables then, the tables with food. The plates were small and square or triangluar, which was pretty cool presentation wise at any rate. And for food they had, well let me see if I remember: shrimp, chicken on a stick, roast beef sandwiches, meatballs, carrots/celery/broccoli platter, strawberry/pineapple/grape platter, garlic bread chips, several kinds of cheeses, about 7 different desserts including two cheesecakes, different kinds of cupcakes, and later, little donut hole shaped creme puffs, they had a chocolate fondue fountain and things to dip in it including cherries, which i had several of and unsuccessfully tried to tie the stems into knots with my tongue (I could do it before), and other foods which I have by now totally forgotten. ALso, they had a small wedding cake, chocolate with pink designs on it...really pink...liek Pepto-Bismol pink...

So we mingled, and chatted and drank. And finally the bride and groom made their way through greeting people. I got a big hug from Jessica, and I know Ghostie did too, and I think Freddie Bear might have as well upon his introduction to her. Micheal, the groom shook my hand and thanked me for coming, ever the polite and generous host. I wanted to talk to Jessica more, but hey, she was the bride, I knew her duties were numerous. Including, having a shot with her bridal party. I forget the name of the shot, chocolate cake something or other i think. I don't remember the name, but I remember the taste cause later in the night, Jessica drug me and Ghostie and a group of other people over to get another shot of it (Freddie Bear didn't partake, being 18 and all, he doesn't really drink). I honestly don't recall the taste of the shot itself, except that it was very warm, but immediately after, we sucked on a sugar coated lemon slice, and all of that mixed together made a DAMN tasty shot. So tastey that had we not moved on, i fear I would have had more, probably too many, and that would have NOT been a good thing.

A bit after this, Jessica and Michael brought out thier several month old son Wyatt, and he is just THE cutest little thing! Big beautiful blue eyes, and big smile, although he's not good with strangers and cried when Uncle Polt tried to hold him. WHich is strange, cause Uncle Polt does real good with babies usually. Ah, I'll blame it on all the excitement getting the kid riled up ahead of time, yeah, that's the ticket.

All through this the band was playing in the garage and doing a DAMN good job of it. I didn't get the band's name, but I LOVED them! They played a wide variety of songs, and none of the traditional wedding stuff (thankfully we were spared the Chicken Dance, the Hokey Pokey, YMCA, the Macarena, etc, etc, etc). ANd they kicked ass! They did a rendition of "What A WOnderful WOrld" and the female lead singer sounded JUST like Louis Armstrong singing it! She was great! At one point, it was time for the wedding party to dance, and it didn't seem anyoen was too keen to do so, cause it was still raining lightly. Well, Jessica grabbed Michael and out they went, she in her wedding dress he in his tux, in the rain. That's Jessica for ya. And the wedding party went out as well.

A bit later in the evening, Jessica grabbed me and out for a dance we went. it was fun, as I knew it would be. And Freddie Bear came out and got our picture. Then, Jessica moved on to someone else, and I grabbed Freddie Bear and prevented him from leaving the driveway/dancing area cause I wanted to dance with him. And we did, slowly, just slightly rocking back and forth to the music, talking and smiling like fools. As I recall, we even kissed once or twice. Then the song changed to one a bit faster. Freddie Bear had been making fun of me all weekend aobut the way I dance, that I must dance stupidly. So then, I showed him, dancing myself all around him to the song while he stood there and laughed. (That was one of my favorite parts of the whole evening, hearing him laugh)

And then someone discovered the lights on the front of the garage and flipped them on. Well, I did NOT want to be out there dancing like that when everyone could see me. Adn apparently I wasn't alone, and the whole driveway/dancing area cleared. Not that that lasted long.

As the songs changed, Jessica and Jamie and a few others got back out there and danced. And then more joined them. I tried to get Freddie Bear out there so we could dance, but he resisted, I think a little selfconscious about dancing with a guy in front of people (he is only 18 after all, and not really totally out yet). So, being the persistent little bugger that I am, I jsut dancing with him there, on the porch. I danced the dirty dance/lamboda stuff. I threw my arms around his shoulders, grinded my crotch into his. I turned around, grabbed his front pockets and shoved my ass back as I pulled his crotch forward, and I grinded that way. And all through it, he was laughing, big hearty laughs, which made me feel so good knowing he was having such fun.

Eventually, as all things do, the wedding wound down and it came time for us to leave. All three of us got hugs and thanks and goodbyes from Jessica, Michael and Justin, (including Freddie Bear, who none of these people had ever met before), as well as a few other hugs I got from a few other people i knew. And then we were off back to the car, sans umbrella but with Freddie Bear and I unabashedly holding hands on the way. And we all were laughing and joking and chattering away about the fun we had had!

Its' too bad Jessica and Michael can't get married more than once.

So now I'm gonna try to post wedding photos here, IF Blogger cooperates!

Freddie Bear and me prior to the wedding.

On the one photo, I leaned for a kiss as the photo was taken...but didn't quite make it in time.

You probably can't see it, but this is Freddie Bear's saoked right arm. Behind him, is the garage with the band inside and the driveway/dancing area immediately in front of it.

Rose petals, sprinkled on the porch where they'd stand, taken from under one of the tents.

The wedding party crowded on the porch.

Jessica, smiling, while she actually says her "I do's".

Jessica, with Michael behind, on her way to us. I think she's just seen it's us and is saying something to us. Beautiful dress though!

This is the lovely Becky, aka the Brown M&M.

Uncle Polt, Freddie Bear, Jessica and Ghostie.

The lovely new family Kiel: Jessica, Wyatt, and Michael.

Mama and baby. See how adorable he is?

I went to get Freddie Bear and myself a bottle of water and I passed hte cookies on the way, and I had no other way to carry the cookie soooo....

Husband and wife...you can see the Pepto-Bismol cake on the table behind them.

The new couple dancing in the rain.

The entire wedding party dancing in the rain.

Ghostie adn Freddie Bear, enjoying themselves.

Justin, Jessica's brother, grabbed her and out THEY went to dance a song together. They were kicking up thier heels, and twirling each other and jsut having a grand time, as the loving siblings they are.

And finally, the bride and Uncle Polt, cutting rug (or driveway, as the case may be).

POLT = listening to "Hungry Like The Wolf" by Duran Duran

My house has many rooms. I occupy but a few. The rest go unvisited. - Lindsay, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

With the Chocolate bridesmaids dresses, I would have had a chocolate cake with white frosting. Nice pictures. Freddie Bear is so sweet. He looks good in purple, probably even better without the clothing. Looks like a good time was had inspite of the rain.

The Persian said...

Thanks for sharing that Polty :) Freddie Bear is adorable, great pictures!


Anonymous said...

Well looks like you had a lot of fun. That is always cool. (although I hate weddings) Mostly because the people that invite me are ultra conservative Xtians, so there is no drinking and no dancing. It is much like an ultra conservative funeral.


Polt said...

Ed: Freddie Bear does...indeed he does.

Persian: Freddie is.

Onanite: Hmmm, doens't sound like much of a celebration, though, does it?

Anonymous said...

why don't you tell the people who drove? Huh? I know who drove and I must say...you sir are a quiter...but I still love you