Thursday, September 14, 2006

I feel the need to be naked with you (part 24)...

It's that time of the week once more, yes kids, it's time for

This week, I've got a photo of my daily ritual. It's what I do every morning (or most every morning). It's something that I have to do, but something that I wish I didn't have to do.

Yeah, I gotta do a finger stick every morning to find my blood sugar level and record the results. Being a diabetic does kinda suck. BUt I guess I should be glad I don't have to have insulin shots. At least not yet. UGH.

Anyways, if you're curious about HNT or wish to view other participants (and there's usually 125 or more participants each week) just click on the button in the left sidebar. And everyone, have a HAPPY HNT!

POLT = listening to "Pride & Joy" by Stevie Ray Vaughn

The scent of victory is pungent! ...or is that just me? - Sheen, Jimmy Neutron


AndyT13 said...

Drag bro. My Dad's diabetic too so me too eventually in all probability. So far so good. It's the high blood pressure that's gonna get me. :-) I like your music choice. I didn't record that one yet. Drop by for some tasty Stevie Style blues on mp3!

Ag said...



The Persian said...

Yikes, every day? I have a friend who has to inject insulin into his belly every day. I can't imagine!

Happy HNT :)

Leesa said...

Happy HNT :)

Suze said...

A very honest image and a glance in to your world. Glad to hear that you are diet controlled and don't have to take shots.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Anonymous said...

I have to do that shite all the time...for hypoglycemia...

Anonymous said...

My dad is a diabetic too. He has to do insulin shots. I hope they will find a better solution soon.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll take a look at Polt's HNT picture. I hope it doesn't show any blood because I'll pass out. oh nooooooooooooooo!!!!"Thud"

Schadeboy said...

LOL at ed!

You know, Mr. Polt, I believe they now have a device that can measure insulin levels without having to do the pin stick thing. But I'm not diabetic (for now) so I don't know for sure.

Happy HNT to you!

Anonymous said...

Ouch...thanks for sharing Polt. Are you able to use different fingers?

Anonymous said...

If you ever do need more insulin ask your doctor about "Exubera" by Pfizer, it is an inhaled insulin that works for some people. Song about Kayne...hmmm! Virgil Kayne is my name I worked on the runway train, 'til Jeff and Laura came and laughed at my styles again. Back in 2005, I was hungry just barely alive until Hiedi Klum came and put me on the right track again. But they should never have voted me off so soon! I guess you can't raise a Kayne back up when he's in defeat. The night they voted to put me down, I went la..lalala...lala..lalala...lalalala

Anonymous said...


You really are too funny, so I thought I'd stop by and say "Happy HNT" back.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. But isn't it great that it's manageable?


exile said...

what a prick!