Thursday, September 21, 2006

Vomiting morons, the scalps of zero hair...

In a recent Washington Post poll, 30% of the respondents could not name the year in which the 911 terrorist attacks occured. In the same poll, 5% of the respondents could not name the month and day the 911 terrorist attacks occured.


I'm not kidding.

No. Lie.

And this, friends, goes a long way towards explaining Bushie getting sent to the Oval Office twice and Republican majorities in Congress for the past 12 years.

Stupid people believe any lie told to them.

The founding fathers MUST be spinning in their graves.

POLT = listening to "Once In A Lifetime" by The Talking Heads

This foreign policy stuff is a little frustrating. - George W. Bush


exile said...

acctually, the reason bushie got back in the oval office is because of the gays...



see, the guy running against bush wanted let gays get married, bushie is against it.

well, americans (in a vast majority) are homophobic and because being gay is contagious, if they get married they'll make other people gay.

ergo, gays wanting to get married kept bush in the whitehouse.

(next week, i'll find a way to blame global warming on gays)

Polt said...

Actually Exile, Kerry was NOT for gay marriage, he was in fact against it (which pissed a lot of us off) but he was for civil unions.

Course, if one only hears and believes the muck, crap and lies fed to the media by Bushie and his ilk, one could easily believe that Kerry was for gay marriage. Or that there were WMDs in Iraq. Or that Saddam and Bin Laden were connected somehow. Or that stem cell research does little good. Or that evolution is a fairy tale. Or that gas prices HAVE to be as high as they are. Or that the Katrina response was all the fault of the deomcratic governer and mayor. or...I could go on and on and on....but I'm sure you get the idea now.