Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Too much information for my head (Part 8)...

As always, this comes from http://tmituesday.blogspot.com :

TMI Tuesday #50
1. What's the longest you've ever gone without a shower? Right after high school me and two friends went to Ocean City Maryland for 6 days. On the 3rd night there, I got all drunk and threw up all over myself and the bed (I had been drinking sloe gin, so everything came up red!). My friends threw me in the shower, and after cleaning up, I took my clothes off and left them there. We never showered again for the rest of the trip. WE went into the ocean to get clean, which really isn't a good way to get clean. Didn't even take the clothes with me home, I left them there. Fun times, fun times. So i guess three days with no shower. Oh, and we didn't take any shaving equipment along with us either.
2. Do you use a q-tip? If so, how often? About once a month I dip a q-tip in baby oil and rub it around inside me ears to loosen up the wax and keep it from clogging up my ears. (Oh yeah, I'm a sexy mutha, eh?)
3. Do you have any piercings, if so where? Any for sexual purposes? No I have none. Had a boyfriend that had a nipple pierced, he seemed to enjoy that played with quite a bit. And one of the best kissers I've ever kissed had his tongue pierced. But I have no desire to get ANYTHING pierced on me.
4. Oral sex... give or receive? Yes please.
5. Sex while on the period... ick? EW! God no! I am no good with even the sight of blood, so the thought of even attempting anything when.....*shudder, shudder, cringe, cringe* Ya know, God gave us guys a right hand for a reason!
Bonus (as in optional): Tell me your fantasy... details! 18 year old Asian twinkie with a hairthing, wearing only a dog collar and a jockstrap, on his knees before me, hands cuffed, his tongue sticking out, while I hold a Cadbury caramel egg in one hand, and Giant Sized X-Men #1 comic in the other, a glass of champagne on the table beside me next to a newspaper with the headline proclaiming Karl Rove is starting his prison sentence, and the TV turned to the swearing in of Jon Stewart as president in front of the new Congress that's 3/4ths Democratic. Ahhh, yeah, that's the ticket...

POLT = listening to "Bang Bang" by Nancy Sinatra

The most mysterious creatures in the universe: women. - Batman, The Justice League: Starcrossed


katarina said...

There's way too much going on in that fantasy. Hoe can you concentrate on anything?

Polt said...

I didn't have to concentrate on anything, it's a fantasy.

And HOE can I, instead of HOW can I...Freudian slip there, my dear? :)