Monday, September 18, 2006

Living for the weekend...

My weekend:

Freddie arrives. Have a quickie. Ag, Freddie, and I go to nearby Mall. Freddie gets haircut. Ag buys new top for wedding. Freddie buys new shirts and jeans for wedding. Ag buys new cellphone. I simply accompany Freddie. Drive to Target to buy one half of wedding gift. Go to TGIFridays and have a late supper, including a strawberry dacquri for me and two for Ag. Drive to Wal-Mart to buy other half of wedding gift. Return home. Get a little sumpin-sumpin before bed.

Wake, shower, get to work. Feel like crap all day. Sore throat (which has been on going since Thursday) and stuffed head. And hot all day, but no fever. Leave work about 2 hours early. Come home. Tell Freddie what time I need to get up and take a nap. Woken by Freddie on time. Bump nasties. Shower together. Get dressed, stop by Ag's apartment, and then head out for wedding.

Arrive at wedding kinda early. Have good seats, greet all the people we know, and meet a few new ones. Watch the very casual service (groom wore Hawaiian shirt and shorts). Eat food. Drink beer. Eye rape all the cute guys there. Get many photos (photo post to the blog forthcoming). Leave after 2.5 hours because I really don't fell well.

Ag returns to her apartment, Freddie and I to mine. Laid on the sofa with my head on Freddie's lap and watched some TV. Freddie volunteered to walk to a local store and get me some orange juice (I KNOW...ain't he sweet) and did so, bringing me a glass of it upon his return. Watched a bit more TV before going to bed. Helped Freddie get some relief then we feel asleep.

Woke about 400 AM with my throat on FIRE and in serious pain. Took some cough syrup and cold pills and went back to a fitful sleep. Freddie and I both woke about 800, and my throat felt better (still sore, but not in pain like in the morning). Freddie offered to make me breakfast, but instead we did the horizontal bop and then went back to sleep.

Got up without disturbing him and watched some TV and got online for a bit. About two hours later, returned to bed. Woke Freddie. We hit it, and then showered together. Ate at McDonalds, took jeans he bought on Friday back to store (too expensive), and got shorts on sale. Went to pick up my friends Garver and Troy. Four of us went Miniture Golfing (or as we call it in these parts: Putt-Putt!). Final scores: Garver - 78; Troy - 76; - Freddie - 69 (how appropriate); and Uncle Polt - 47 (and the fact that I was keeping score had NOTHING to do with it!) Went to Rita's where we all got ice cream or gilati's. Mmm-mmm. Dropped Troy and Garver off at thier place.

Returned to the apartment. Ag called said she'd bring pizza up and watch the football game with us. Freddie and I then got Jiggy wit it, and then showered again together. Ag arrived and we ate the pizzas while watching the game.

Dallas Cowboys are 1-1!

Freddie did his homework while Ag and I watched the game. Once he was finished, he kinda watched it with us. When it ended, Ag left, and Freddie and I went to bed.

500am, alarm goes off. I wake Freddie who finishes packing and then heads out. I go back to sleep. He calls me about 800 to tell me he's almost back to college and will make his 930 class in plenty of time. I get up and start my day.

So, I'm sure you can see now why I don't have much time over the weekends to post to the blog.
And as I mentioned, a photo post forthcoming, depending on how cooperative Blogger decides to be.

Also, here is a short list of things overheard this weekend:

No tickling in the aisle of glass!
Shall I get you a blanket to clean up with?
He sucked on my eyeball and made it all red!
Stop it, you guys! No more ping-ponging me!
This, guys, is a pla-TEAU!
Oh, his ball just kissed yours!
See, you missed cause you were thinking of Whore-guleria. Think of Madonna, you'll do better.
Wanna see me put the whole end of this cone in my mouth?
I like touching boobies.
It's a Friday night, and I'm back at Wal-Mart. What a life.
I've had lots to drink before but i have NEVER licked the side of the glass like that!
Ooo, you see those clouds? They're like the ones from that beer commercial!
You be careful tonight, you could hurt someone with all that boobage.
It's a purple themed wedding!

POLT = listening to "Where'd You Go" by Fort Minor

I can't understand why anybody gives a damn whether gay people get married or not. It really makes no sense to me at all. We need more loving families in this country, not less. - Ann Richards, May 20, 2004 [God bless you Ann, you'll be missed]


Anonymous said...

I guess we guys are all alike. Your throat is killing you, you feel like crap. The opportunity to have sex arrives and it's all systems go. It seems you had a busy weekend.

Polt said...

Two quotes I forgot to add:

I need toothpaste and lube...and I hope we don't get them confused when we use 'em!


I don't want a toothpaste the whitens or brightens or sings or dances, I just want it to clean my teeth!

Bloooog said...

I feel like I know your schedule now. I don't have to hide in your bushes anymore.

Craig said...

So basically what you're trying to tell me is that you've had more sex this past weekend, then I had in the past year.


Okay, just wanted to make sure.

Polt said...

Ed: well, as they say, even bad sex is still good sex, cause it's sex...and I guess having sex with a sore throat follows right along, eh? :)

Stuckingfupid: oh that was YOU! Sorry about the emptying of the chamber pot and should come in, I've got some nice warm cocoa for you.

Craig: That certainly wasn't my intent, but if it is so, well, have my deepest sympathies. :)

Anonymous said...

actually, this past weekend we didn't have that much sex when compared to other weekends. i'd have to say labor day weekend we probably had double the sex we did this past weekend.