Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I am the president, I own the world, I am king of the world (Part 5)...

Worst President Ever Wednesday

It's too bad there IS no such book. If there were, perhaps we wouldn't be in the situations we're in now. Course, even if there was, I guess he'd still have to find someone to read it to him, what with the big words therein.

POLT = listening to "Trip Like I Do" by the Crystal Method

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room! - The President, Dr. Strangelove


Anonymous said...

It would be so funny if it wasn't so very sad. bushie just isn't ready or able to be a good president. He has one trick up his sleeve. A trick so big it will cause the demise of our great country. He has been hiding the cost of the war in Iraq by selling the debt to China. Now they pretty much own our collective asses. We can't trade with Cuba, they're Communists. Yet, China is our most favored trading partner. If they recall the debt we will be like a duckling on the freeway with no where to go. Such a bastard to send us down with only a whimper and a smirk.

Anonymous said...

I'd have to agree ...... sad and ScARy. I mean this moron has his finger on the button!


Anonymous said...

Update: The Venezuelan president called Bushie The Devil and An Alcoholic. Republicans are calling for a Boycott of Citgo which is owned by Venezuela. Why, for telling the truth? That Bastion of Christian love, Jerry Falwell, said he would more likely vote for the Devil himself than for Hillary Clinton for President. He should know, he voted for the Devil himself in the last two presidential elections.