Wednesday, September 27, 2006

What to do, what to do? ...

Project Runway...sending all four designers to the Fall fashion week. What do I title my post, when no one got kicked off? What do I do with the photo I use, since I can't paint over anyone, since no one got kicked off?


What to do, what to do?

Well, perhaps I cuold congratulate the producers for keeping all four of them. They ARE all distinctive in their designs, and all worthy (yes, even Jeffrey, who I dislike extremely) of showing a collection. So this is good, in my opinion.

Did NOT like Michael's dress, and i was sweatin it all episode for him. Uli, much to my surprise did have the best dress. Laura....sigh, laura...I like her, as you all know, but didn't she make that EXACT same dress a few weeks ago? Maybe it's just they're all so similiar, I got confused? And Jeffrey....he took a chance, gotta admire that, I suppose. But I hated the dress. UGH!

So next week is the reunion special...outta be good. Too bad Loupe wont be there like that last year, all high or drunk or whatever and rambling incoherently. That was fun.

POLT - listening to "Acetone" by The Crystal Method

I'm so excited I could SQUIRT! - Alf

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so funny when Heidi said Laura your in but we don't want to see 12 low cut tops! We almost, almost made it through the entire show without the P word but Laura just had to mention what a handicap her being preggers is. I can still hear Jeffery and Laura sniping at Kayne and hoping he gets voted off. Let's hope Michael gets his designing head back and avoids putting the same long dress that looks like it's on backwards out there.