Thursday, October 19, 2006

I feel the need to be naked with you (Part 29)...

Once more, it's time for

Okay, I don't have much for this week...didn't have many ideas....but one came to me while I was clipping my toenails, so I give you this...

Yeah, I was halfway done, the left foot has uncut toenails, the right cut toenails. Ooh, boy howdy, is THAT exciting, eh? (make note, though, of the purple bath rug....)

Anyways, if you wanna check out a few more interesting HNT photos, click on the HNT button on the left sidebar. And HAPPY HNT to you all!

POLT = listening to "Someday" by The Strokes

Nothing goes over worse at a formal dinner than the smell of sweaty bunny fur. - Rob Petrie, The Dick Van Dyke Show


Regal said...

Lovely toes - HHNT

Anonymous said...

Your feet look sweet. Don't toenails grow way too fast? I don't have a foot fetish though. The part I like best is about a yard north of there,hehehe!

Anonymous said...

That's one fluffy rug you have there. What was it when it was still alive?

Oh, yes... very cute toesies!!!

Happy HNT!

Sexy Duet said...

Nicely done, well half done anyway ;) Happy HNT!


Suze said...

Do you want me to come over and finish the job? I'm collecting all your HNT's to make up a full Polt.

Happy HNT sweetie ;)

Ryan said...


Wenchy said...

Very exciting indeed! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you explained the purple bath rug, I was wondering what you were perched on.


Ag said...

Do they need rub?


keda said...

cute tootsies!
happy hnt.

Anonymous said...

polt, ya crack me up!!!! I love yer purple bath rug...matches your avatar..


Schadeboy said...

I'm noticing the rug. But I'm making more of a note of what's behind it. At the bottom of the photo, just barely peaking over the edge. Is that...shudder...linoleum?

Please say it's not linoleum.

Well, even if it is, happy HNT to you anyway.

Sassy said...

Much better trimmed!
Cute pic.

The Persian said...

what cute little feet :)

Happy HNT my friend!

3.14 said...

nice where is waynesboro?


Semi-Celibate Man said...

Yup, 10 toes. That's a good thing. HHNT