Tuesday, September 30, 2008
In your black daisy dukes, thought you probably had a man or two...
Looks like the boy's mouth sure knows its way around a....popsicle too.
POLT Listening to "Tarzan Boy" by Baltimora
I'm so mad, I'm beside myself! - Two-Face
Part 25...
POLT Listening to "Everybody, Everybody" by Black Box Oil: 102.00 (+5.65); Gas:3.48 (-.03)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +4.8
I tried to sing once, back in Berlin. It was like vaudeville, they threw tomatos. After the show, I had a nice salad. - Hedwig, Hedwig And The Angry Inch
Little jewish princess, never recognized...
Manischevitz Guberman! BWHAHAHHAHAHAH!!! I have such a crush on Sarah Silverman!
Thanks to http://www.omgblog.com/, for posting it first so I could steal it and post it here.
POLT Listening to the video again
I say, if your knees aren't green by the end of the day, you ought to seriously re-examine your life. - Calvin & Hobbes
An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part 115)...
1. What do you feel is the difference between sexy and erotic? I don’t know if these are official definitions, but I think sexy is something that I see, something appealing to me because of the way it looks. Erotic is something that’s appealing because of the way it makes me think.
2. Do you believe there is one right person (i.e. soul mate) for you out there in the world, or that there can be many different potential mates that you could live blissfully with? I don’t know if I’m meant to live blissfully with anyone. I’m kinda happy, most of the time, being a loner. But even so, no, I do not believe there is a ‘soul mate’ out there for everyone. And I think that people that spend all their time looking for one, ultimately, miss out on a lot. Enjoy where you are and what you have, instead of spending your time trying to find someone to be happy with.
3. Do you need to hear "I love you" or similar words on a regular basis from your partner? No, I don’t need to hear it. You can feel love from your partner. It is nice, however, to be told you are loved. Not that you need it, but it is nice to hear.
4. What feeling do you have the most difficulty expressing? I have trouble admitting when I am wrong…is that an emotion?
5. What is worse - physical, mental or cyber cheating? Cyber cheating isn’t really cheating at all, in my mind. Physical sex is just an act, you can have sex with someone but still love your partner. I suppose mental is the worst, if you want to call it that…I’d call that emotional cheating, though.
Bonus (as in optional): The Kinsey scale attempts to describe a person's sexual history or episodes of their sexual activity at a given time. It uses a scale from 0, meaning exclusively heterosexual, to 6, meaning exclusively homosexual. Where are you - TODAY - on the scale? The same place I was yesterday and will be tomorrow: about a 5.90. I don’t say 6 total, cause I do find some females attractive and could see me possibly being interested in one….but the VAST majority of my feelings are homosexual.
I wouldn't put much faith in what our president says. - Wonder Woman, Virtue & Vice
Monday, September 29, 2008
He turned my bailout down, the banker man...
I was sitting here flipping through the channels and came upon the vote as it was taking place. I flipped back and forth between the Fox Noice Channel and CNN. Both showed a split screen. On one side was the House, with the vote count superimposed on it. On the other screen was the floor of the Stock Exchange and a running tally of the Dow, falling 400, 500, 600 points.
When it was clear, both Fox Noise and CNN had commentators talking about it, unsure where we go from here, what the international markets will do, etc, etc, etc. They also pointed out, both of them, how the House Republicans, who had promised 100 yea votes, only gave like 66, while 131 voted nay.
I wasn't terrribly upset about this, actually. I'm not sure I like the bailout anyway. I am by NO stretch an financial whiz. I barely passed the required economics class in college, and I can't balance my checkbook to save my life.
But then I watched something that outraged me. The House Republican got before the cameras. Minority Leader Boehner of Ohio, Roy Blunt, and two other young guys I didn't know spoke. they all pointed to the fact that Speaker Pelosi, right before the vote, gave a very partisan speech. Blunt mentioned this morning he thought they had 12 more votes than they got. he figured it had something to do with Pelosi's speech. And one of the unknown young guys held up a copy of her speech and said this is what caused the failure.
I saw RED! Let me get this straight...12 House Republican were ready to vote FOR the bailout, to help Wall Street, and, we're told, by default Main Street and the economy in general. But then, the Speaker gives a speech that ruffles their feathers, and those 12 change their votes? How DARE they!
So their pride is hurt, their feelings are bruised, they're offended, and so we're gonna show her and not vote for 'her' plan? Screw Wall Street, Main Street, and the economy! Nancy Pelosi metaphorically called me a name, so I'm just gonna let the economy go into the toilet because of it????? Is THAT what they were thinking?
What's more important to these idiots, the well being of our economy, or their 'feelings'? What's more important to these morons, helping American businesses and the American people, or how a Democrat offended them?
Ya know, had they said from the beginning, "I can't vote for this for this reason or that reason"or whatever, THAT I could have respected. They're standing on priciple, voting their conscience, if that's what they feel they need to do. But to get all pouty and huffy and childlike just cause of some things the Speaker said and then to chuck everything because of it is INANE! Thsoe 12 deserve to be voted out just for doing this! You can be against this bailout for many reasons, and a LOT of people are, but to be against it for this 'reason' is just frankly infantile.
UPDATE: Here is a video I just saw of the three Republicans I mentioned speaking, and Barney Frank's response to them.
He's saying EXACTLY what I was saying three hours ago! See, ole Barn and me have more in common than just being gay Democrats!
POLT Listening to "Boys Keep Swinging" by David Bowie Oil: 96.35 (-10.61); Gas: 3.51 (-)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +4.6
I like the idea of people running for office. There's a positive effect when you run for office. Maybe some will run for office and say, vote for me, I look forward to blowing up America. I don't know, I don't know if that will be their platform or not. But it's - I don't think so. - George W. Bush
Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 166)...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
About a football jacket and a highschool ring, Week 4...
It is impossible for it to be ANY worse than this week....just today, actually. What happened, you ask? The Washington Deadskins won.
But what's worse than the Deadskins winning? My Dallas Cowboys losing.
And what's worse than the Deadskins winning and Dallas losing? The Deadskins, our hated and mortal enemies, being the ones who beat the Cowboys!
And what worse thant he Deadskins winning and Dallas losing because the Deadskins, our hated and mortal enemies, beat them? The team I picked in the winner's pool at work this week, Denver, LOST! So I'm out ten bucks and have no chance of winning or splitting the $610!!!!
There is NO way this particular weekend could have turned out ANY worse for me, football-wise. *SIGH* Well, as they say, there's nowhere to go, but up. Despite how bad this Sunday was, there's not WAY next Sunday can be worse. I'll have to focus on that....
The Dallas Cowboys are 3-1
POLT Listening to "History Repeating" by The Propellorheads
I don't think we need to be subliminable about the difference between our views on prescription drugs. - George W. Bush
Bits and pieces, I'm in bits and pieces...
It's definitely a Coen Brothers film! Got all the hallmarks. But I'm not sure, even now, if I liked it or not. I did laugh a couple times, but.....
See, the first movie of their's I saw was "Raising Arizona". And now, even 20 years after I first saw it, I can catch it on TV and still laugh myself silly over the whole thing. So I kinda compare all their stuff with that. And this one, just didn't measure up, in my opinion. Course last weekend, I was at ALCMDPP's house and we watched "The Big Lebowski" which I had never seen, but because of it's huge cult following I had always wanted to. And with that one too, I was underimpressed. Especially by the last third of the movie. I thought it got lost and never finished up as well as it should have. But then that's me.
Anyways, afterwards, we went to Ruby Tuesdays to eat. They changed the place. No longer do they have things hanging on the walls, ala TGIFridays or Applebees. They got bare painted walls, tore out some booths for tables, tried to make the place look....'fancier'. Not sure that they succeeded, but I know the food did not improve. We were both unimpressed with the menu, and the food we got. Doubt I'll be going back there.
But, in better news, ALCMDPP is coming over here Thursday night to watch the VP debate. That should be fun. I mean, in addition to the entertainment on TV, I'll have him sitting there to talk about it with.
Maybe we should make a VP Debate drinking game! Like take a drink everytime someone says "Alaska", twice when Palin says it. Take a drink everytime Palin says "Reform". Take a drink everytime she says, "Maverick"! Drink everytime she says, "McCain"! Ooo, I'll have to work on this, it could be a BLAST!
Best debate comeback EVER!
POLT Listening to "Flash" by Queen
I can't believe I didn't commit that bit of arcane knowledge to my memory. - Leo McGarry, The West Wing
ils traduisaient mal, je me suis senti comme un clown...
POLT Ecouter « l'Excavateur en or » par Kanye West
Je suis acteur. Bien sûr je peux jouer un hétérosexuel. - Sir John Gielgud
From this saddening parody, someone will have to crawl...
In a related vein, I saw Tina Fey doing Sarah Palin at her interview with Katie Couric on SNL. It was okay, but I gotta say, Sarah Palin answers were funnier than Tina Fey's impresonation. Palin's finally become a caricature of herself. She's mastered the art of self-parody...clearly without even trying to.
Or possibly realizing she's done so.
POLT Listening to the Packers-Bucs game
Honey, I'm busy. Touch yourself. - Karen, Will & Grace
Part 24...
POLT Listening to "More" by The Crystal Method Oil: 106.96 (+.07); Gas: 3.51 (-.01)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +4.8
He was so hot, he was cool! - Hercules
Let's get unconscious, honey (Part 124)...
I say ... and you think ... ?
Hearing :: Seeing
Aggression :: Fight
Charged :: Electric
Traveler :: Suitcase
Hydrate :: Water
Detox :: Pills
Qualify :: Finish
Prison :: Inmates
Frontal :: Full!
Pep talk :: Shut up.
POLT Listening to the silence in my apartment on a Sunday morning
"Have you no integrity?" "No, but I've got killer abs!" - Go-Go Fiasco, Codename Knockout #20
Saturday, September 27, 2008
My baby's got a secret (Part 94)...
These come from http://postsecret.blogspot.com/
POLT Listening to "Bitchin' Camaro" by The Dead Milkmen
"Girls you gotta pay for don't count." "Hey, they all cost something!" - Milo, Catwoman Secret Files #1
Part 23...
POLT Listening to "Fix You" by Coldplay Oil: 106.89 (-.07); gas: 3.52 (-.02)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama + 4.3
Gambling isn't easy. If it was easy, they would call it winning. - Dan Savage, Skipping Towards Gomorrah
Friday, September 26, 2008
All love is lost, premature and unreasoning...
Half a day before the debate even started, this ad was online. From the McCain-Palin campaign. Honestly, I am NOT kidding.
And that being the case, why are they still having the debate???? Before the debate starts, he's already won...even though he wasn't going to go to the debate unless an agreement was reached on the bailout...which hasn't happened....and yet he's still going to the debate...
My God, this campaign is weaving and bobbing more than a drunken sailer on his first shore leave. What the HELL are his advisors doing????
POLT Listening to "Hey There Delilah" by Plain White T's
Finding your best mate broke and back on the booze is probably bad enough. But finding he's been blowing queers to subsidize his booze is presumably worse. - Byron, 9 Dead Gay Guys
From Russia with love, I fly to you...
It's so embarassing, I almost feel sorry for her. Her answer reminds me of a kid in kindergarten trying to tell you a joke or a story: she just kinda wanders all over the place and get lost in her own answer.
Almost, ALMOST do I feel sorry for her.
POLT Listening to "Pump It" by The Black Eyed Peas
Enjoy yourself. If you can't enjoy yourself, then enjoy somebody else. - Jack Schaefer
Post 22...
POLT Listening to "Benny And The Jets" by Elton John Oil: 106.96 (-1.06); Gas: 3.54(+.01)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +4.2
"Don't you go off half-cocked!" "I, for one, am fully cocked and ready to prove it." - Ravish Kinkimanboi, Codename Knockout #14
Some boys kiss me, some boys hug me (Part 156)...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Oops, I did it again....day 4...
Except...he didn't. He in fact remained in New York, had an interview with Katie Couric, while Letterman watched live on tv, spent the night in New York, and then this morning, addressed the Clinton Global Initiative.
It was 22 hours after his announcement that he actually made it to DC. That's 'rush'ing?
One can drive from New York to DC, during rush hour, in less than 18 hours.
I have to wonder, does McSame even WANT to win the election anymore???
Today, the AP managed to get Sarah Palin in an unscripted situation and asked her a few questions. Here is the transcript of one question and her answer:
AP REPORTER: Do you think that our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan--our continued military presence there--is inflaming Islamic extremists?
SARAH PALIN: I think our presence in Iraq and in Afghanistan will lead to further security of our nation. Again, because the mission is to take the fight over there, do not let them come over here and attempt again what they accomplished here. And that was some destruction. Terrible destruction on that day. But, since September 11th, Americans uniting and rebuilding and committing to never letting that happen again. (the bolding is mine)
So, McSame's VP candidate, she with all this foreign experience due to her proximity to Russia, is still parroting the discredited White House talking point that Iraq was involved in 9-11! even Bushie has said Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11!
I can only wonder what the hell her handlers are trying to teach her about foreign policy!
POLT Listening to "Where Do I Begin?" by The Chemical Brothers
'Conservative' is a magic word that applies to those who are in other conseravtive's good graces. Until they aren't. At which point, they are liberals. - Digby
The time tonight, while the feelings right, reminisce...
Also, I've had a scratchy throat since tuesday. I've had my sinuses full of junk since last night. And today at work...I just wasn't feeling it. I felt like crap, and my tummy was rumbling. And since i have a big tummy, that's a big problem. So i just left at noon. I stopped by Mama Polt's to get something to eat, then came home, crawled into bed and promptly fell asleep for four hours. I still feel tired though.
And this is kinda weird: when i woke up this morning, I had that 'pins-n-needles' feeling in my right hand. I was sleeping on it, so it didn't bother me...except that it didn't totally go away until about the time I left work. I took all morning for that to totally disapate. that's really a weird weird feeling....
POLT Listening to "That's Not My Name" by The Ting-Tings
"But you're not a girl! And why would a man want to marry a man?" "Security?" - Jack Lemmon, Some Like It Hot
Part 21...
POLT Listening to "Map Of The Problematique" by Muse Oil: 108.02 (+2.39); gas: 3.53 (-.01)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +3.2
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.
Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 128)...
Well, kids, this week, the Great And Mighty Os has set us a theme. Since it's the end of summer, he's having a Sarong To Summer theme. Which means there's supposed to be a sarong theme to our photo.
This presented me with a slight conumdrum. See, I don't HAVE any sarongs. I know they're just cloth wrapped around the waist to make a skirt-like thingee....but I don't have anything really that fits. I thought of using a towel, but really, nobody wants to see me with JUST a towel wrapped around me.
So I tore the sheet of the bed and used that...only thing is, I have a king-sized bed...so that meant it was a LOT of sheet.....
It's not so much a sarong as it is a toga...but at least I made the attempt, right? And I'm showing some leg, so that's the half-nekkidness part, even though underneath I'm entirely naked. And that's probably more than you needed to know.
And I look WAY too femininly posed, don't know what happened there. Guess you put any gay man in a dress, and the queen comes out?
To see some actual sarongs being used in their proper manner click here.
POLT Listening to "Bend And Break" by Keane
As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Take it to the runway (Part 10)...
Oh...my...shit. This rundown's going to be totally laced with expletives. Parental discretion is advised...
Yeah, I totally share the sentiments, even if I don't share the expletives.
Allow me to first say Suede referred to himself as Suede at 9:02, 9:05 (three times), 9:18, and 9:58 (three times). Considering the outcome, it's kinda unfortunate this'll be the last time we hear that. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Okay, first off, kick-ass challenge: Design an outfit for one of the other designers in the style of a specific musical genre. Brilliant. Really. Loving it.
Korto for Suede -- Punk
Kenley for Leanne -- Hip hop
Suede for Jerrel -- Rock & roll
Jerrel for Kenley -- Pop
Leanne for Korto -- Country
Okay, already Leanne's got a handicap. Country's all over the place. From glam to gaudy to white trash, country music runs the gamut. This'll truly be a challenge for her. The rest should be pretty damn easy.
My thought were: Leannimal, hip-hop? No. Korto, country? Double no. Although Suede being punk isn't that far off.
And Leannimal, sweetie, please don't attempt to rap anymore. You're WAY too white to even try.
On the commercial break intro, they show Tim and Kenley having a bit of a sparring match. The quote from my son Chaz: "Ooo. Looks like Tim's going to lay the beat-down on Kenley." (He said it with a gleam in his eye...)
Oh how I wish it were so...my eyes were gleaming too.
I'm liking Korto's initial design. Very punk -- though an easy genre to be sure. Jerrel's outfit looks more Barbarella than pop, but he's been able to pull stuff off in the past, so let's see where he takes this. Suede's sketch looks a bit safe -- where's the rock 'n roll attitude?
Okay, the total highlight of the night: Kenley being bitchy towards Tim. He's the mentor of the show, Kenley, treat him with some respect. Of course, she doesn't. And Tim, in a very un-Tim-like move, calls her out, telling her to cut the sarcasm and listen. Obviously she doesn't -- because she's Kenley and she knows *far* more than this measly little Tim Gunn. (Shootin' some sarcasm right back atcha, little Miss.) Her assessment of the conversation: "I can't really listen to Tim right now. What does he know about hip hop anyway?" Yeah. He may not know all the ins and outs of hip hop, but he knows what looks good, so when he questions your design, you sure as fuck oughta listen to him. "I don't think he (Tim) understands me," she finally says. Well, sister, he *does* understand *design*. And yours is kinda sucking pond water right now. Kenley may well be doomed in this challenge.
Well, I had a few things I wanted to say about their exchange, but, Dave S. dude, you said it SO much better than I had planned to. So we'll just move on.
Kenley is an utter *bitch*. Have I said that before? I think I have...
Well d'uh? that's like people being surprised Clay Aiken is gay. Puh-LEASE people.
Hey! I think I caught a Jerrel nipple for you, Polt! When are they going to show a little Leannimal boobage, though? C'mon. Just a little? Why, oh why, couldn't *she* be teamed with Jerrel's netted pop outfit? Damn. She's *so* much hotter than Kenley.
Yeah, butcha know, Jerell shirtless just isn't the same as Keith shirtless. Or Wesley shirtless. I mean, it's alright, but nothing fabulous. No his bulge in those skin tight, zippered jeans Suede made for him...Oh, I was fanning myself to keep from faintin!
LL Cool J as a judge? Perfect! Loving it. Kenley is ever closer to being off... (and he's the epitome of complete and utter cool.)
Not to mention ripped, cut, and fuckin' HOTTT! Yes, with THREE T's! Deal with it. Wy couldn't we catch some LL Cool J nipple? Now THAT woulda been worth seein!
Okay, okay....let me get a drink of water before we continue.
Thanks for waiting. Moving on...
The runway rundown:
Leanne: Not bad, but not excellent. A bit more mundane than I would've liked. I like the skirt though.
It's a flattering outfit on Korto, I'm just not sure it's really country.
Jerrell: Okay. Definitely pop. But the pasty-style boob coverings aren't doing it for me. I like the netting though, as well as the cut of black.
Oh THIS is outstanding! My God, he actually makes Kenley look hot. Who knew? I'm not a fan of the genre, nor of female singers (Duh), but I think this looks really really good!
Kenley: Ugh. pants are awful. Not hip hop at all. Not even close.
Oh this is horrible. I, Uncle Polt, look more hip-hop when I first get up in the morning than Leannimal in THIS ensemble.
Korto: Nice. Very punk. The jeans are great. A bit much on the chains, but I'm willing to overlook it.
I'm diggin it. And Suede rocked it on the runway. Very well done.
Suede: Not bad. Kinda safe, but the vest is incredible.
Not a bad outfit. Woulda been better if he accentuated Jerell's bulge a little more. (I kid, I KID!) Too understated I think.
My choices:
Winner: Korto
Off: Kenley
Winner: Jerell, although I wouldn't be upset if Korto won.
Loser: Kenley, of COURSE.
Of course, Kenley has to argue with the judges (once again). Advice for you, Kenley: Don't argue with Cool J. Seriously. It won't end well.
Okay, she might be able to claim Tim doesn't know hip-hop, but for Kenley to be arguing with LL Cool J about hip-hop??? Oh, please, girl. Why not try arguing with the Pope about Catholicism.
Winner: Korto (woohoo!)
Okay, I wanted Jerell, but I'm okay with this.
Off: Suede.
What?!? Suede?!? No way. No fucking way. Idiots! There's no *way* Suede's design was the worst of the two (him and Kenley's). Absolutely no way. Kenley blew this challenge completely and irrevocably. At least Suede's *looked* rock 'n roll -- regardless of it's inherent safety. Kenley's wasn't hip hop in the least. Poor poor judgement, guys.
Yeah, it went kinda like this withe me:
Heidi: Kenley.....
Polt: you OUT, bitch!
Heidi: You're in.
Polt: What the fuck? What the FUCK?!?!?!?! (okay, so I shared your explatives as well)
Obviously, to me anyway, this was the producers stepping in. Look, the judges all had nothing but negatives things about Kenley's outfit, and she argued with them over it. Suede's was just "not enough" or "too safe". Clearly, they were leaning on Kenley leaving. But, I feel certain, the producers came to them and pointed out the drama potential of Kenley, and how much more interesting the show would be with a "villian" for the veiwers to hate, and really, Suede's outfit wasn't all THAT great, now was it? And boom, Kenley stays.
Bastards. They did it in season 3, with Jeffrey, and season 2 with that tall bearded dude. There were some outfits of theirs that were simply horrid, and they kept moving him along. Kenley's the closest thing, I think, to a villian that they have, and they wanna keep her.
It is a travesty. And injustice. Almost on par with Chris Daughtry getting kicked off American Idol (the only season I watched) a few years back instead of winning.
It's just a bad, bad, wrong decision.
Chaz made this great analogy: "It's like Kenley is choosing to answer a multiple-choice test always with 'A'. She gets it right some of the time, but mostly she gets it wrong."
I think a better analogy would be she's choosing A always, and then the teacher changes an answer from D to A so Kenley can stay. It's just wrong all around.
Nonetheless, I like this Chaz of which you speak. His wit makes me smile. I think I shall enjoy meeting him.
Next week: Field trip! Kenley sasses Heidi! And tears from everyone on the runway, apparently.
POLT Listening to "Pinch Me" by The Bare Naked Ladies
Before you put your foot in your mouth, make sure you've washed it.
Post 20...
POLT Listening to "Into The Ocean" by Blue October Oil: 105.61 (-1.00); Gas: 3.54 (-)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +3.5
Anybody can have sex. Romance is much harder. - David Duchovny
We've got, we've, got the numbers, got the numbers...
Cut their hair short, wear shirts and boots (Part 63)...
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Playing on the stereo, checking emails...
Perhaps the parts of the legislation the give Bushie the ability to read all out emails and listen to all our calls has an amendment including an exception for governors of Alaska. Or Republicans in general.
POLT Listening to "Hands Clean" by Alanis Morisette
"You really showed those dykes who has the low-hangers." "And for once, it was us!" - Mike, Queer As Folk
Part 19...
POLT Listening to "Smile Like You Mean It" by The Killers Oil: 106.61 (-2.16); Gas: 3.54 (-.01)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +2.5
You just gonna stand there while some poof wags his tackle at your woman? - Gary, The Full Monty
An utterance information, don't mince words (Part 114)...
1. What is the strangest thing you have ever inserted or seen inserted (in a sexual manner) in person? Well, I’m not aware that I, personally, have inserted anything that wasn’t meant to be inserted into anyone. I have seen, however, on video, a baseball bat being inserted, and a plastic traffic cone. Both were like an auto accident, I didn’t really WANT to look, but I just couldn’t look away. I was more agitated than the guys taking the items. Strange.
2. Have you ever had sex anyone whose name started with a J? Yes. Jim is one of my regular fuckbuddies.
3. Have you ever been outside completely naked? Yes. Went skinny dipping once in a pool.
4. Do you prefer music, tv, or other noise in the background when you have sex? I prefer no other noises, so I can hear the small, barely audible noises my partner makes. I use these to find out what pleases them, so I know to keep doing that. But if there has to something, I’d prefer music, but not too loud.
5. Have you ever used ice for sexual purposes? Some of Freddie’s best oral ministrations took place right after he had chewed an ice cube up into little bits, and hadn’t swallowed them yet.
Bonus: Have you ever been propositioned for group sex? Well, I’m not sure if I was propositioned, exactly, but I’ve participated in group sex once or twice. Does, "Hey, come here, kiss me while I screw this guy getting blown by another guy, and blowing a third guy" count as a proposition?
You can support the troops, but not the president. - Rep. Tom Delay, on the Kosovo campaign, 2000
Monday, September 22, 2008
About a football jacket and a high school ring (Part 3)...
First of all, the Dallas Cowboys won again, who-hoo. The Packers kept it close until the 4th quarter, and then Dallas wore them down and won the game. I was a bit dismayed, because this was a Sunday night game, and that meant it conflicted with my weekly 'Skins' episode. It was a tough decision, but I watched Skins, flipping back to the game during commercials. I missed one of Dallas' touchdowns this way, but I was watching for the other two, so all was right with the world.
The Deadskins won again, which was again the one black spot on the day. But next week, they play IN Dallas...oughtta be fun.
And this week, at the winner's pool at work I picked Buffalo over Oakland. It was not locally televised, but during all the updates, they were behind. And for the last like 5 minutes of the game, I was glued to my computer, watching for updates online. And it came down to a winning Buffalo field goal with three seconds left. So I get to hang around and play again next week. Let me assure you, for the last two minutes of the game, I was sitting here, hitting refresh and yelling at the monitor to "Update! Update, dammit! I need to know the score! UPDATE!" I can only imagine what my downstairs neighbor though.
The Dallas Cowboys are 3-0
POLT Listening to "Satisfaction" by Benny Benassi & the Biz Oil: 108.77 (+5.96); Gas: 3.55 (-)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +2.6
Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength. - Carrie Ten Boom