Sunday, September 21, 2008

Autumn, the wind blows colder than summer, autumn...

Today is the last day of summer.

Thank God.

I hate summer. We've had a thankfully mild one. The temp never got over 100, i'm not sure it ever got over 95. And there were probably only 20 days total I even had the air conditioner on. Today was the first day since probably April that it was too cool to have the window open when I took my shower.

Oh, how I relish autumn. It's cooler, so I don't sweat so much. Pants and light jackets are the order of the day, thus helping me cover up my fat. Football's back, thus giving me something to cheer about each weekend. My birthday is in November, thus giving me presents. All the best holidays are quickly approaching: Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas and New Years (yeah, I know the last two occur during Winter, but I'm on a roll here, don't be a speed bump, kay?). I love the cooler weather, the colorful trees, and my cheerful moods.

Oh, why couldn't EVER day be an Autumn day?

POLT Listening to the Cowboys-Packers game

Why can't we remind the holier-than-thou regressives of what Proverbs states about the difficulty of a rich man entering heaven, equating it to a camel - or is it the GOP elephant? - passing through the eye of a needle. - Lawrence Angle, SR Dec. 7, 2004

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like autumn also EXCEPT for all the leaves falling. We must have 40 trees on our property that are not evergreen.

Keeping up with the downfall is impossible, so the yard looks shitty for most of the fall.