Thursday, September 25, 2008

Oops, I did it 4...

Yesterday, suddenly, because of the financial crisis (apparently it wasn't a crisis enough over the previous 9 days), McSame 'suspends' his campaign and cancels an appearance on Letterman, because he has to 'rush' back to DC to 'handle' the crisis.

Except...he didn't. He in fact remained in New York, had an interview with Katie Couric, while Letterman watched live on tv, spent the night in New York, and then this morning, addressed the Clinton Global Initiative.

It was 22 hours after his announcement that he actually made it to DC. That's 'rush'ing?

One can drive from New York to DC, during rush hour, in less than 18 hours.

I have to wonder, does McSame even WANT to win the election anymore???


Today, the AP managed to get Sarah Palin in an unscripted situation and asked her a few questions. Here is the transcript of one question and her answer:

AP REPORTER: Do you think that our presence in Iraq and Afghanistan--our continued military presence there--is inflaming Islamic extremists?
SARAH PALIN: I think our presence in Iraq and in Afghanistan will lead to further security of our nation. Again, because the mission is to take the fight over there, do not let them come over here and attempt again what they accomplished here. And that was some destruction. Terrible destruction on that day. But, since September 11th, Americans uniting and rebuilding and committing to never letting that happen again. (
the bolding is mine)

So, McSame's VP candidate, she with all this foreign experience due to her proximity to Russia, is still parroting the discredited White House talking point that Iraq was involved in 9-11! even Bushie has said Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11!

I can only wonder what the hell her handlers are trying to teach her about foreign policy!

POLT Listening to "Where Do I Begin?" by The Chemical Brothers

'Conservative' is a magic word that applies to those who are in other conseravtive's good graces. Until they aren't. At which point, they are liberals. - Digby

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that photo makes him look like Mr. McGoo, just add black horn rimmed glasses and he's the spitting image.

That said, of course he was lying. Most Repugs are outright liars whereas with Democrats you might get half truths.

But I still support Obama.