Thursday, September 11, 2008

Brought up knowin' right from wrong, squash the meek inherit the strong...

A 'new' kind of maverick?

Is newly minted McCain VP Sarah Palin, the governor of Alaska, taking steps to quash subpoenas related to the “Troopergate” investigation?

"The Alaska Attorney General's office told lawmakers probing Governor Sarah Palin's firing of the state's top police official that their authority and motivations are suspect, and state lawyers may 'move to quash subpoenas' that legislators may issue tomorrow.

" 'The eyes of the nation have now turned upon us,' senior Assistant Attorney General Michael Barnhill wrote in place of Attorney General Talis Colberg, a Palin appointee who recused himself in the case. Barnhill complained in a seven-page letter about public comments made by Hollis French, a Democratic senator, that Palin or her aides may have broken the law by allegedly obtaining personnel files of the fired state public safety commissioner, Walt Monegan.

*SIGH* Okay, let me see if I understand this. Alaska's state legislature, which Wikipedia tells me the state Senate has 11 Republicans and 9 Democrats, and the state House has 23 Republicans and 17 Democrats, is where this probe originated. Both houses with Republican majorities, by the way. And this probe was started before anyone outside of Alaska had ever heard of Palin. Yet somehow, the Democrats are now behind the subpeonas. Riiiight...

Also, Palin has said she has done nothing wrong, that she has nothing to hide. That being the case, why then would her Attorney General's office try to quash the subpeonas? Haven't we learned by now, it's not the crime that's the big issue, it's the coverup...just look at Nixon and Clinton.

Of course, if you're going to follow the precedent set by the Bush-Cheney people of obsfucation, stalling, and stonewalling, then this is what you would do. But I thought she was a 'NEW' kind of Republican.

Oh, and let's not forget the 1,100 emails that she's refuse to release because of 'executive privilege'...even though a large number of them were cc'ed to her husband, Todd, a private citizen with no government role. If she sends them to him, a private citizen, then she can't claim executive priviliege. Again, unless you're gonna follow Bush-Cheney by invoking executive privilege at every turn and 'losing' emails mysteriously.

Again, I ask, how can she claim to be a "NEW" Republican when she's doing the same dark deeds in shadows that have plagued us these last eight years.

Bottom line: If you like what's happened the last 8 years and want 4 more years of it, by all means vote for McCain. If you don't like what happened the last 8 years and what something different, vote for Obama. It's as simple as that.

POLT Listening to "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley

I find these meetings to be a fairly mind-numbing experience, but Leo assures me they are Constitutionally required. - President Bartlet, The West Wing

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never seen such a shitstorm on the announcement of a candidate than I have with the announcement of Palin.

I hope the bounce that McCain has experienced plummets. Ever hear of the dead cat bounce in graphs? That's precisely what this is.