Sunday, September 07, 2008

About a football jacket and a high school ring...

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL???????

God knows I am! And this opening week was a great week for me.

First and foremost, the Dallas Cowboys won, and handily. Of course, it was only against Cleveland, but still, a win is a win is a win! The second best thing is that the Washington Deadskins lost Thursday night against the Giants! A Washington loss is almost as good as a Dallas win to me!

Also, I'm in the football winner's pool at work. Each week we have to pick a team that we think is going to win that week. If that team loses, we're out. If that team wins, we get to pick again next week, but we cannot pick the same team twice. This week, I chose the Patriots, and they won. And it's a good thing I picked them now, cause with Brady's injury, he might not be back for a while, and the Patriots may not be unbeatable like they were last year.

But in the long run: Dallas wins, the Deadskins lose, and I'm still in the winners pool. A great week, all in all!

POLT Listening to NBC's Football Tonight

Brokeback Mountain opened this weekend. It's making history as the first Western where the good guys get it in the end. - Tina Fey, Weekend Update, Saturday Night Live

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