Friday, September 12, 2008

Keep your numbers mounting (Part 41)...

55 Fiction Fridays

The Millard Fillmore High School Geek Club was overjoyed,
When their "Monty The Magic Anime Wizard" figures arrived.
Bruce was proud of his, but didn’t smile because of his braces.
Stewart was shy, as always, and cuddled his like a teddy bear, for comfort.
Wally, in the middle, was just embarrased by the whole scene.

POLT Listening to "Everything" by Alanis Morisette

I mean, if a guy who's not attracted to guys made out with a guy - I'm talking about tongues and everything - they'd barf. It's the same thing with me, and I'm not going to keep doing it with girls just because everybody else says it's terrific and normal. - Billy Conners, The Boys On The Rock


Mona said...

I that what the magazine is called?

What is Monty The magic Anime wizard???

Polt said...

I dont think they're holding a magazine, I think it's an action figure...and I just made the whole thing up, this is, after all FICTION. :)


Akelamalu said...

You wrote a great story about a picture and all in 55 words!

Mine's up too.

lime said...

and really, who could blame wally?

too funny. you crack me up week after week

G-Man said...

I wish I were smart enough to be a geek...Alas!

Anyway Polt...GREAT JOB!!!

You add a great comic relief to my Friday Readings.

Thanks for playing, and have a Great Week-End...Uncle-G