Sunday, September 14, 2008

Until my response to you is truthfully this...

Earlier today, I recieved this comment on one of my posts:

"Palin has more experience than Obama in executive positions. If Palin is not "ready" then Obama cannot be "ready". I wonder why you are so blind as to not see or refuse to see this?"
- Anonymous

Well, Anonymous, normally if someone doesn't care enough to claim their comment, then I don't care enough to answer their comment.

But, Anonymous, from this comment, not only is it obvious you have no balls, it's also obvious you have no intelligence either. Please, allow me to point a few facts out to you.

In 1998, Obama was elected to the Illinois state senate. In 1998, Palin was on a PTA board.

Six years later, in 2004, Obama was elected to the US Senate. In 2004, Palin was a mayor of a town the size of the one I live in, with a population of about 9,000 people.

In February 2007, Obama announced he was running for President. He's spent the last year and a half criss-crossing the country, talking to politicans, the media, and common Americans, listening to their concerns, thinking up, revising, and explaining policies and positions, and gaining prcatical experience. He's also traveled to Afghanistan, Iraq, Germany, England, and met their leaders. In February 2007, Palin had just become Governor of a state with a smaller population than Delaware. In the year and a half since, she's started "troopergate", billed the citizens of Alaska for nights spent in her own home, sold the jet on eBay...even though she didn't really, fired the chef...even though she didn't really, campaigned as governor FOR the 'bridge to nowhere' then when it became a symbol of pork spending, suddenly became against it...but took the money and spent it anyway, was against pork spending, but had no problems taking the pork money mentioned above, cc'ed 1,100 emails to her husband, a private citizen, and now claims executive privilege over them, was all for the investigation of her actions in 'troopergate' because she had nothing to hide, but now she's got her lawyers working on quashing the subpoenas in that case. Oh, and she's seen Russia across the Bering Strait.

So, if by 'exeperience' you mean she's been doing things in Alaska for the last two years exactly the way Bushie and his ilk did things in DC over the last 7 years, then yes, I suppose you are correct. She has much MUCH more of that kind of 'experience' than Obama does.

However, I think we need a change in DC, one that will do things differently than the last 7 years. But as for a comparison of their job exeperience, I do think 6 years in a state senate plus 4 years in the US Senate (10 years in civil service) equals more than a smidge more experience than 6 years as mayor of 9,000 and then two years as governor of Alaska (8 years in civil service).

Palin is clearly the least qualified person to be vice-president since Admiral Stockdale. Don't remember who that is, Anonymous? I'm not surprised. Thinking that Palin has more experience than Obama shows me that you clearly spend way too much time having your thoughts told to you by the Fox Noise channel than you do thinking things out for yourself. And don't worry, 16 years from now Sarah Palin will be little more than a footnote in history just as Stockdale is now.

I suppose your argument, Anonymous, is her 'executive' experience. Yes, yes, let's see, which recent president has had lots of 'executive' experience? Why, that would be George W. Bushie himself. He was governor of Texas for less than 5 years before becoming president. And we all know how well THAT 'executive' experience has worked out for everyone.

I would agree that Obama's experience could have been an issue in the election, it was probably McCain best arguement in his arsenal. But by picking this obvious totally unqualified VP candidate, McCain threw that arguement out the window. I mean, he can't argue that Obama's unqualified when he chooses someone even less qualified as his VP. And while Obama has gained expereince over that last year and a half while running for president, how much experience, exactly, can one gain in the 60 days Palin has before the election?

If you insist on voting for McSame-Palin, Anonymous, by all means, do so. I don't expect someone who can't see things for the way they are to vote any other way. Cast your vote for them, and settle in to watch Faux News as they tell you everything's okay as our economy continues to crumble, the rich get richer and the middle classs get pushed to the poorer classes, and we get into a war with Iran and possibly Russia, over Georgia. Just listen to Faux News and the McSame-Palin White House and think the way they tell you to, because, Anonymous, it's obvious that's what you're used to doing anyway.

So, if you've bothered to even read this, crawl back to your sofa and watch Fox to get some answers for my arguements here, if you can. Oh, and maybe I'd take your statements a smidge more seriously if you had the courage of your convictions and claimed your work. But since you probably can do little more than parrot back the daily talking points on the Fox Noise Channel, I doubt you'll do that. Nonetheless, thanks for playing. And have a swell day.

POLT Listening to the Patriots-Jets football game

It's the same as having sex with a woman. Except it's a man. - Kenny, 9 Dead Gay Guys


Anonymous said...

hahahaha .... great points, and you are so right about being "anonymous"

Most of these people just are not intelligent enough to post with their names attached.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't me....I like calling you wrong to your face, it more gratifing : But sadly enough I can't argue with you here.

DF (the other anonymous)