Monday, September 15, 2008

Your office was open, thought we'd have a little talk...

Today, I had to mail some items, so I walked over to the Post Office. After mailing them, I thought I might as well take a walk, since yesterday's humidity was gone and there was a cooling breeze. I walked down Main Street in town, iPod in just enjoying the day.

Then, I saw something that stopped me in my tracks. As I picked my jaw up off the sidewalk, a grin crossed my lips that actually has yet to diminish. THIS is what I saw:

Yes, that's an Obama campaign offices! In MY town. Now for those of you who have never lived in Waynesboro, you probably don't get just how monumental this is. Allow me to give you some background.

While Pennsylvania has been a blue state for a few elections, this part of the state has ALWAYS been red. The last time the county went for a Democrat was Johnson in his landslide in 1964. And the last time before that....well, I couldn't even find anything online telling me that. To my knowledge, going back roughly to 1980 or so, there has NEVER been a presidential office opened in Waynesboro. Not even either time when Bill Clinton was running. My grandfather told me that back in the 40's once, there was a FDR one opened in town, but that's the only one he ever mentioned.

And mind you, my town isn't the county seat, nor is it the largest city in the county. And yet, somehow, we've now got a Barack Obama campaign office in town!!!!

A bit more history: in the primaries this year, in this county, 13359 Democrats voted and 15.280 Republicans voted. In 2004, Bushie took the county 71% - 28% and in 2000, Bushie took the county 67% - 30%. And yet, this same county, this same small town IN this county, has an Obama office...and on it's Main Street, right downtown!!!!

I stopped in, naturally. It was in a former barbershop. There were two people sitting there. We talked for a bit. I asked about bumper sticker, but they were all sold out. They had buttons laying out, Veterans for Obama, Seniors for Obama, African-Americans for Obama, and such. I asked if they had any just Obama buttons, and the guy told me the basket there should have them. But the basket was empty. He said they must have all sold out. And they'd only been there a week! They sold out of buttons and bumper stickers in under a week! In THIS town!!! Oh and they had yard signs, which doesn't do me very much good considering I live in an apartment, but if I could have used one, I'd definitely have bought one!

I simply can't believe it. I assured them I'd be back to get some later, once more came in. I just can NOT believe Obama's opened an office here in my town!!!

I am so energized and hyped by this, you just don't know. Oh, and by the way, no sign of a McCain office anywhere in town yet......

POLT Listening to "Benny And The Jets" by Elton John

Marry me! Be my love monkey! - Sliders

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