Monday, September 29, 2008

He turned my bailout down, the banker man...

The Bailout failed to pass the House of Representatives.

I was sitting here flipping through the channels and came upon the vote as it was taking place. I flipped back and forth between the Fox Noice Channel and CNN. Both showed a split screen. On one side was the House, with the vote count superimposed on it. On the other screen was the floor of the Stock Exchange and a running tally of the Dow, falling 400, 500, 600 points.

When it was clear, both Fox Noise and CNN had commentators talking about it, unsure where we go from here, what the international markets will do, etc, etc, etc. They also pointed out, both of them, how the House Republicans, who had promised 100 yea votes, only gave like 66, while 131 voted nay.

I wasn't terrribly upset about this, actually. I'm not sure I like the bailout anyway. I am by NO stretch an financial whiz. I barely passed the required economics class in college, and I can't balance my checkbook to save my life.

But then I watched something that outraged me. The House Republican got before the cameras. Minority Leader Boehner of Ohio, Roy Blunt, and two other young guys I didn't know spoke. they all pointed to the fact that Speaker Pelosi, right before the vote, gave a very partisan speech. Blunt mentioned this morning he thought they had 12 more votes than they got. he figured it had something to do with Pelosi's speech. And one of the unknown young guys held up a copy of her speech and said this is what caused the failure.

I saw RED! Let me get this straight...12 House Republican were ready to vote FOR the bailout, to help Wall Street, and, we're told, by default Main Street and the economy in general. But then, the Speaker gives a speech that ruffles their feathers, and those 12 change their votes? How DARE they!

So their pride is hurt, their feelings are bruised, they're offended, and so we're gonna show her and not vote for 'her' plan? Screw Wall Street, Main Street, and the economy! Nancy Pelosi metaphorically called me a name, so I'm just gonna let the economy go into the toilet because of it????? Is THAT what they were thinking?

What's more important to these idiots, the well being of our economy, or their 'feelings'? What's more important to these morons, helping American businesses and the American people, or how a Democrat offended them?

Ya know, had they said from the beginning, "I can't vote for this for this reason or that reason"or whatever, THAT I could have respected. They're standing on priciple, voting their conscience, if that's what they feel they need to do. But to get all pouty and huffy and childlike just cause of some things the Speaker said and then to chuck everything because of it is INANE! Thsoe 12 deserve to be voted out just for doing this! You can be against this bailout for many reasons, and a LOT of people are, but to be against it for this 'reason' is just frankly infantile.

UPDATE: Here is a video I just saw of the three Republicans I mentioned speaking, and Barney Frank's response to them.

He's saying EXACTLY what I was saying three hours ago! See, ole Barn and me have more in common than just being gay Democrats!

POLT Listening to "Boys Keep Swinging" by David Bowie Oil: 96.35 (-10.61); Gas: 3.51 (-)
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages: Obama +4.6
I like the idea of people running for office. There's a positive effect when you run for office. Maybe some will run for office and say, vote for me, I look forward to blowing up America. I don't know, I don't know if that will be their platform or not. But it's - I don't think so. - George W. Bush


Doug said...

I couldn't agree more. I've written a letter to all my congressfolk telling them they will not have my vote in the next election b/c they are part of a broken system. Anyone is better than them.

Anonymous said...

It is all because of Bush and the Republicans that we are in the mess we are in now. De-regulation of the system has led to this problem. When we people learn that government oversight is needed.

I sure hope come November that the American people have learned the lesson that the Republican party is corrupt.


tornwordo said...

Haha and here we thought we were electing "adults" to run the country. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Notice how they backed off that ridiculous stance by evening when they saw how indefensible the whole "she made them mad" argument was.

dave s. makes a good point about Nancy, also. She will be glad that that goes mostly unreported due to the GOP's sudden case of foot-in-mouth.