Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Take it to the runway (Part 10)...

It's once again for...

A Project Runway Rundown from a gay man's and a straight man's perspectives

This week, Dave S. wasn't able to participate, so I'm winging it alone. No problem, I used to do these all myself anyway. Dave S. will be back next week, we hope.


Before we start, let Polt just say that Suede referred to Suede'self as Suede three times: 9:09, 9:11, and 9:23. Polt thinks that this HAS to stop. Now.

Leannimal makes and old lady outfit comment, for shame.

I really don't like saying this, but the dishey queen in me can't help...did anyone else think Kenley's model Anna's mother look like she could be Anna's father? Just sayin...

"Flirty and awkward. Like me!" - Jerell

Since Stella's gone, Korto has declared herself the "queen of leatha". I'll believe it when I see her start "hammering studs". (don't I have a porno by that title involved carpenters and

OH, there's a puppy at Mood! And why didn't they show him before now???

This episode we get background on all of the designers. Leannimal was the first one they showed, and usually, that's the death knell for the designer, so I was fearful for her. And then I saw they were doing everyone, and all was right with the world again.

"Leanne got 'the Hedda Lettuce' this week." - Brilliant! We need to work that into our vocabulary people! "The Hedda Lettuce" - a bitchy, unhappy with things type of person. Difficult to work with. There, I've defined it for you, run with it, kids, run with it!

Pocket squares abound! this is, I think, the first time I've heard pocket squares discussed on PR...and for good reason.

Gatherarounds are never a good thing. - Suede

Tim says:
Suede - pockets are off line
Joe - dress is not in her field
Jerell - stunning
Kenley - gives her options, but he 'doesn't understand' and she's not listening to him
Nothing to Korto or Leannimal apparently.

Joe's motivation is so his daughters know they can do anything? huh? he's not there to WIN like every other designer????

The Girls DISH! they think Suede's gonna go, and Kenley just doesn't understand Suede or his aesethic. Which is okay, cause I don't understand much about HER at all!

OH, who was that tall, hot, black guy with dreads in the workroom right before they went to the runway? He was there, and then they cut away from him! HIM, I wanna see more of.

TO the Runway:
What the HELL is on Jerell's head? Did a low-flying bird strike him without his knowledge?

Joe - What I see is L.A.Law, circa 1989.
Leannimal - It's a nice dress, if a tad Jackie-O.
Jerell - Outstanding, well done.
Korto - I think the skirt is too short, and I don't like the way the jacket bulges in places
Suede - I like the dress, although the jacket doesn't work at ALL, either with the dress OR alone.
Kenley - Kinda messy, makes her look real hippy.

Top three - Leanne, Jerell, Suede
Bottom three - Joe, Korto, Kenley
My winner: Jerell. My loser: Joe

NINAGARCIA: I will say no more. Suede: Ouch. Polt: InDEED. Speaking of death knells...
Oh, and what the HELL is NINAGARCIA wearing over the fingers of her right hand? An aqua cast????

The winner: Jerell! Again! (and Kenley looks pissed. teehee)
The loser: Joe.

the judges got it just right this week!

Next week: "Most unique show", sabotage!, Tim's ripping the stitching outta Kenley, and LL COOL J! (Man, he's HOT!) Oh, and best of all, Dave S. returns! yay!

POLT Listening to "Sexy Boy" by AIR

"Someday soon, Carl, an influs of hormones, that we can't control, will overrule our better judgement and force us to pursue the female of the species." "No! Stop it, Jimmy! You're scaring me!" - Carl, Jimmy Neutron


Anonymous said...

I agree, the judges got it right.

Leanne has become the ugliest pretty girl I have ever seen. She was adorable in her graduation photo, but I just can't stand her. Her criticism of Suede was exactly what is wrong with her. I *loved* when Jerell won and they showed that pout she had on her face.

Jerell totally deserved to win his design was excellent.

I didn't understand Korto's, but was ok with their decision. I, like you liked Leanne's dress, but the jacket was a bit off. Suede could have gone home and I would have been fine with it, but Joe's was really bad too.

Ryan said...

By the runway show, I was happy to see that two of the people I had tagged for elimination were going to be on the chopping block.

I'm sticking with my line-up from last week, although Kenley might be able to squeak by if one of my top three slips up. However, I suspect that her refusal to listen to suggestions will bite her in the end. Suede doesn't have a chance because he hasn't been able to dazzle us yet.

Anonymous said...

Yea I agree Joe or Suede could have gone. And I think Suede and Kenley will be the next to go.

Stephen R. said...

A) "The Hedda Lettuce" is DEFINITELY now in my vocabulary!!! I love your idea of making this the new way to describe "a bitchy, unhappy with things type of person." I'm on it.

It goes to the top of my list - - followed by my new phrase of exclamation: "Jesus Take the Wheel (as in, "Jesus take the wheel, we're out of vodka!") and my DESPERATE attempt to bring back the word "hooch" when referring to any and all things alcoholic (as in, "Jesus take the wheel, we're out of hooch!"

B) Korto is no Stella. Nobody replaces my Stella. Stella for star!!

C) We should do a drinking game for the rest of this season of PROJECT RUNWAY - - you take a shot anytime Suede refers to himself in the third person. The Advanced Game rules are that you take a shot anytime anyone says Suede - - the name, the material, the homo with the stupid hair, ANYTIME!

D) Is there ANYONE to actually cheer for and like this season on because they have talent and they are nice? They all come across as bitchy, narcissistic wannabes to be. But I'm still watching, so I guess the laughs on me, huh?