Thursday, September 25, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 128)...

Once more it's time for....

Well, kids, this week, the Great And Mighty Os has set us a theme. Since it's the end of summer, he's having a Sarong To Summer theme. Which means there's supposed to be a sarong theme to our photo.

This presented me with a slight conumdrum. See, I don't HAVE any sarongs. I know they're just cloth wrapped around the waist to make a skirt-like thingee....but I don't have anything really that fits. I thought of using a towel, but really, nobody wants to see me with JUST a towel wrapped around me.

So I tore the sheet of the bed and used that...only thing is, I have a king-sized that meant it was a LOT of sheet.....

It's not so much a sarong as it is a toga...but at least I made the attempt, right? And I'm showing some leg, so that's the half-nekkidness part, even though underneath I'm entirely naked. And that's probably more than you needed to know.

And I look WAY too femininly posed, don't know what happened there. Guess you put any gay man in a dress, and the queen comes out?

To see some actual sarongs being used in their proper manner click here.

POLT Listening to "Bend And Break" by Keane

As you slide down the bannister of life, may the splinters never point the wrong way.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the leg action is might sexy :)

Robyn said...

show us some... hehe =) sexy. hhnt.

Ashly Star said...

Happy HNT Polt!

lime said...

you are rockin the sarong/toga, polt!

Greg and Sheryl said...

To-ga! To-ga! To-ga!

Lapis Ruber said...

Very Roman - is that a touch of patrician purple I see there? Happy HNT.

JW said...

Nice toga! Why do I get a strange urge to hand you an urn to hold though ... ? ;)

I must admit, I didn't realise there was meant to be a sarong theme this week - which is probably a good thing!

Happy HNT, sir!

tornwordo said...

I love it! It looks like you should be in a painting at the louvre. I admire your bravery : )