Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Oops, I did it again....


McSame had a visit to an auto plant today in Michigan. He toured it, gave his shpiel and then went to shake hands and leave. And as he was walking out, a chant arose from those there assembled. The chant? "Obama 08! Obama 08!"

Oops. I suppose this is why the Bushie campaign always carefully screened anyone going into any place where Bushie was appearing. I wonder how long it'll take until the McSame campaign starts doing the same.


If you recall, during her interview with Charlie Gibson, Gov. Palin stated when McSame asked her to be his running mate, she did not hesitate at all, not one bit. Yesterday, in an interview with Sean Hannity, she told him that when she was asked she put it to a vote in the family. She asked the girls whether she should do it, but didn't ask her son because he wouldn't be caught up much in the campaign spotlight.

So which was it governor? Did you not hesitate or did you put it to a family vote? And why would you lie at one time? Why not just tell the truth, or the same lie, each time?

AND, in that same Gibson interview, she said she knew about energy because Alaske supplies 20% of the US's energy. Actually, Alaska supplies 3%. Well, that's not too bad, I suppose. I mean, she only overinflated it by 7 times....that's not really a lie is it?

POLT Listening to "The Test" by The Chemical Brothers

"Since you're married, you're getting it more than me." "How depressing for you." - One Night At McCool's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw the video of it today. It's up on YouTube. Anyhow it was only a handful of people doing the chanting but I loved it just the same.