Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Undress me, will I look like a fool (Part 142)...

Since New Years Day fall on a Thurdays, Os is changing things around a bit (just like last week) and he's given us a theme (just like last week). So that means, today is...

This week, to makes things easy on us, Os has again asked us to just show our favorite HNT from that past year. He's done this over the past few years as well, and each time, since I love all my HNT's, I just choose whichever one got the most comments, and assume that everyone else's favorite HNT and post that. Which I'll do again this year...except, two of my HNT's tied with 22 comments each. So I'll just list them both and call it a tie!

First we have this one from March 6th, and it was during another theme week. We were supposed to show "You And Your Mac". This was the result:

Since I've never owned a Mac, I just had to go with a Big Mac!

And the second one in the tie is from May 15, and is yet another theme week (I didn't realize how many of these Os seems to have throughout the year until now!), but this time it was in honor of HNT's Third Anniversary. Our HNT was to involve 'three' somehow, and this was my submission:

It's three clocks, all showing the time of 3:33...and the microwave clock has three threes in it...oh, so many threes, it's practically a three-gasm! And just coincidentally, both of these were taken in my kitchen...I wonder if that has anything to do with their popularity.....

To see what others chose, click HERE.

POLT Listening to "Satisfaction" by Benny Benassi & The Biz

You've never Googled yourself? I Google myself about once a week just to see if I'm up to anything new!


Osbasso said...

Wow. I hadn't realized either! (note for 2009--fewer themes).

I thought your 'threes' theme was the most clever of the week!

Hope you have a great 2009!

Carnalis said...

i like your take on the themes!

happy new year

Jennybean said...

How creative of you on both counts...


JW said...

I hate to admit it, given that they're fundamentally appalling for me, but I retain a soft spot for a Big Mac. Your first photo did make my mouth water. I must remember in future to eat before calling in here!

But it was your threesome photo that really made me smile. I don't believe I saw it first time around so BIG thanks for re-posting it.

Happy HNT and best wishes for 2009!