Monday, September 14, 2009

And if i remember, yeah if i do remember rightly...

I had thought Glennie Beck's 9/12 march thingee this past weekend was to rekindle the feelings and motivations and such we had the day after 9/11. Without even mentioning that there were 70,000 people there even though Faux News was claiming 2 million, I have a question.

On 9/12/01, did we have people carrying signs declaring their desire to carry guns around the president? Did we have signs throwing racial epithets towards the president? Did we have people carrying signs depicting the president as Hitler? Are these kinds of actions truly representative of the emotions, thoughts and feelings that everyone felt the day after 9/11?

pI remember the fall of 2001, and at that point of time, if anyone dared question anything the President was thinking of doing, they were called unAmerican, the Dixie Chicks being not the least of the examples. But now, it's perfectly ok, in the spirit of 3,000 American killed in the worst terrorist attack on US soil, to call the president everything and anything one can think of.

Welcome to the USA in 2009.

POLT Listening to Monday Night Football

It's better to be in Toronta than someplace you don't wanna. - Groucho Marx


Anonymous said...

Two faced wing-nuts. There is no respect for the office of President of the US any more.


hoteltuesday said...

Not Ready to Make Nice = best song ever