Friday, September 04, 2009

What they need is adult education, back to school...

I heard earlier today about President Obama's upcoming address to school students, and almost immediately after, I began to hear all the rending of clothes and wringing of hands from the wingnuts about how horrible and un-American it is that he's doing this, and how he's going to 'indoctrinate' our kids.

I have to wonder, indoctrinate them into what? Staying in school? Studying hard? Get educated? Oh God FORBID he ask them to do that. I mean, it's not as if another president...say, wingnut god Ronald Reagan or Bush the first, would ever have done something like this....except that both of them did. In fact, I was in school when Ronnie Raygun did it, and somehow, I wasn't indoctrinated into the Republican way of thinking by the Great Communicator.

Some wingnuts are actually suggesting that parents keep thier kids home from school that day. I suppose it make more sense for them to skip school instead of listening to a speech by the elected leader of their country. Yeah, that's a real good idea.

Of course, I'm not surprised the wingnuts are thumbing their nose at education. I mean, look at how many of them obviously didn't take school seriously, as shown by their lack of intelligence, and worse yet, are proud of it.

POLT Listening to "Feeling A Moment" Feeder

Head over heels, where should I go? Can't stop myself, out of control. Head over heels, no time to think, it's like the whole world's out of sync. - The Go-Go's, Head Over Heels


stratcat45 said...

What I found amazing was that in Washington County Schools - the nut speaking against this speech HOME SCHOOLS his children - so why does he even care????

john said...

The town in which I live didn't allow the schools to tune in and it disgusted me. I like my home town a little less now.

Michelle M. said...

The whole thing is utterly redonkulous.