Saturday, September 12, 2009

We're only making plans for nigel...

Work pretty much sucked smelly, slimy donkey balls. It truly was a bad day, overly busy with way too much to do. I seriously had to bust my hump. And all during the day, I was stressed over house issues, which I'm really sick of doing.

Tonight, I'm doing much better, especially with the stress thing. I'm still basking in the advice and support of Virginia from last night. And now, I've got a plan. Tomorrow, Mom and I are gonna clean out my storage area in the basement here in the apartment building. And we'll also clean up a room in the house. Monday, after he gets off work, Corey's coming by (since he couldn't make it this evening), and we'll get some shelves and boxes moved down. Thursday at 5:00, Ghostie, A Local Celebrity Mr. David ParisPeking, Mama Polt and I will be moving some items down to the house. A table, a love seat, some rugs, that she's giving me, and which the movers won't move cause it's at her house and not my apartment.

At any rate, NOW I have a plan. And most of the rooms are clean and prepared for furniture and stuff, so that's a plus. I feel like things are progressing now, which before, it just continually felt like I was just sitting there spinning my wheels and stuff. This feeling is much better.

I will be SO happy when the move is finally over and I don't have that stress anymore.

POLT Listening to "The Rules Of Attraction Soundtrack"

I'm looking forward to a good night's sleep on the soil of a friend. - George W. Bush


Virginia Rose Kane said...

I love the title for your post: making plans for nigel ~ that is a song I happen to like very much. Sort of obscure, I thought....

Anonymous said...

This time next month it will all be done and you will be in your new place.... yeah!
