Friday, September 11, 2009

Catching up...

Got some catching up to do....
Unconscious Mutterings (Part 173)...

I say ... and you think ... ?

Abusive :: Husband
Psychotic :: Killer

Parents :: Grownups
Yell :: Scream
Amulet :: Magic
Sandstorm :: Desert
Amusement :: Park
Imitation :: Flattery
Baby :: Bottle
Rainbows :: Pride parade


TMI Tuesdays Part (152..)

1) If you were to only live until the age of 50, how would you live your life differently? Since I'd only have 9 years left, I'd quit this stifling job, try to resell the house, move to Toronto and just live it up until I ran outta money. Then I'd go on public support and wait to die.
2) Are you settling in your job/career? I've settled. And even though I called it stifling above, I do enojoy it. Oh, it's frustrating at times, but by and large, I like what I do.
3) Are you settling with your significant other? How about "Would I settle FOR a significant other?" I don't have a significant other, and I'm not sure I want one, but if I had one, I'd hope to not be settle with him.
4) How important is your family? Very, especially Mama Polt. Even though I know it will happen eventually, I can not conceive of my life without her. Plus, I'm pretty close to my 6 first cousins, seeing most of them several times a year even though none of them live within a 45 minute drive of here.
5) If you caught a neighbor peeping in at you while you were naked or having sex, would you close the blinds? (assuming you live in a city and can see into other buildings). I'm not sure I'd have to, cause seeing me naked or having sex would probably burn the peeping tom's retinas right out of his head. I would hope I'd pull the blinds BEFORE doing either of those things, but if I found someone doing it, yeah, I'd shut the blinds then.

And once more, it's time for...

(Part 178...)

After a hard day at work, wearing casual clothes, work socks and shoes, I come home and get into something comfortable (or nothing at all), and I frequently notice that I have this issue with my ankles:

The damn socks never fail to make an impression on my ankles. They make indentations into my skin and mash my leg hair down. None of this is too bad, except when it's warm, and I put shorts on, and have to go somewhere and I throw on my sandals right away, and then I'm outside running around in public with this stupid hyroglyphic thing on my legs. Yeah, that's a rockin' look.

POLT Listening to "Fake It" by Seether

I was a pathological liar so I know that everything I say is the truth. - Jerri Blank, Strangers With Candy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you were.