Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Every day, farming the land 'cause that's the only way...

Is it wrong that, every time I leave a computer, as soon as I get back to it, the first thing I check is Farmville on Facebook so I can see what crops are ready for harvesting? Or is it just a sign I have no life?

POLT Listening to Hardball With Chris Matthews

The last chicken leg. Here, you're the chicken hawk. - Mike, Queer As Folk


Anonymous said...

A friend of mine has a serious addiction to Pirates on facebook.

And me, I have my little mafia growing on Myspace. It's not that I'm going for max members, I'm just going for money and property.

I'm heading towards half a trillion now.

Michelle M. said...

I don't have time for Farmville. I'm too busy commenting on 1 million blogs : ).

Anonymous said...

LOL! I've refused to join in!

Tam said...

HAHA You got sucked into Farmville huh? I was doing Mafia Wars until I realized it was the same shit over and over. I have about a gajillion dollars sitting there because I never go back. I'd like to figure out how to "un-register". Enjoy your farm, maybe you'll find a random cow.