Tuesday, September 01, 2009

An utterance, information, don't mince words (Part

TMI Tuesdays
1. If you could have monumental sex where would it be (i.e. on Lincoln's lap, the stairwell of the Statute of Liberty)? On every news anchor desk at the Fox Noise building…I’d just love to see how skeeved out all those whiney, homophbic wingnuts were when they discovered some HO-mosexuals fornicated on the place they’re elbows were resting.
2. Have you ever "played" with your food (i.e. a blowjob under booth #9 at Denny's, finger banging by candlelight at Spago)? I’ve done anything in a restaurant, although there has been fun with strawberries, chocolate, and crushed ice over the years.
3. Have you ever had sex in motion (i.e. the lavatory on Virgin Air, the back seat of your Chevy Suburban)? Receiving oral sex whilst driving on an Interstate in the DC suburbs counts, right?
4. Have you ever had sex worthy of a confessional (i.e. a stall in the church bathroom, on the desk in your boss's office)? I had sex with a girl (!!) I was dating in the office of the pizza place I delivered for.
5. Have you ever had sex under the stars (i.e. in the alley behind Scores Gentleman's Club, the roof of your South Beach condo)? The top floor of a parking garage, on a balcony of a guy’s apartment building in Toronto, and when I was much younger an alleyway off a parking lot behind an adult bookstore.
Bonus: What's your favorite place (of all places) to have sex (i.e. The Bunny Ranch, Las Vegas)? Anywhere in Toronto, because 1) all the guys are hot in Toronto and 2) that would mean I’m IN Toronto!


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