Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I gotta keep on moving, lord, i gotta get on...

So, as you MAY have read somewhere, I’m rather stressed about the upcoming move from my apartment to my house. The one upside I’ve found to all the stress is that in the last two, two and a half weeks, I’ve lost 9 pounds. Not the way to go about losing it, definitely, but still, 9 pounds gone is still 9 pounds gone. I was noticing over the weekend when I moving stuff around and all that I had to keep hiking my pants up, like they weren’t fitting anymore. So yesterday, when I got to work, I weighed myself, and to my amazement, I was 9 pounds lighter. While I’d love to keep losing the weight, I really would rather lose the stress, ya know?

Monday, I met the neighbor who lives on one side of me, and she seems like a nice lady. I’ve already met the people I share the house with (I’ve got half a house, they have the other), and they all seem decent, especially the mother. She’s from South Carolina and has this slight Southern drawl to her speech, makes me smile everytime I hear it. A good friend of mine, Donna, is from South Carolina, and is in fact living there now again, and my neighbor’s way of talking sounds exactly like Donna. But the lady I met on Monday, we had a ten minute conversation literally over the fence in her yard. Again, she seemed really nice and pleasant.

We’ve (and when I say we, I mean mainly Mama Polt who’s been spending nearly every day while I’m at work down there at my house doing something) got the house cleaned up, and some stuff moved it. It looks nice.

I’m still stressed about getting everything packed up and moved down there and then unpacked. And I’m a bit stressed about the changes I’ll have to make, I mean, I’ve lived in the apartment for 12 years and have grown quite used to doing things a certain way, which I’ll no longer be able to do. I mean, it’s minor stuff, like instead of walking 5 feet from my bed to the toilet, I’ll now have to walk down a hallway, and instead of being able to have the balcony door open for a breeze to blow in, I’ll have ceiling fans, and that kind of stuff. It’s just something I’ll have to get used to.

But this time next week, the move will all be over, and hopefully, the majority of the stress and worry will be as well. I just keep trying to tell myself, by Christmas, next summer, this time next year, all that stress will be a thing of the past.

POLT Listening to "Hippychick" by Soho

Redefining the role of the United States from enablers to keep the peace to enablers who keep the peace from peacekeepers is going to be an assignment. - George W. Bush


Anonymous said...

Keep on keeping on my brother. It will all be over soon. I am with you in spirit.


Anonymous said...

You haven't even come close to thinking of how different it will be. Trust me, you're going to love having your own place!!