Sunday, September 20, 2009

The beat get bumping like adolescent acne...

I have a zit.

On my lower lip, on the left corner of my mouth. WTF??? I'm 41 years old. At this age, I expect back aches, finger joint pain, having to take afternoon naps, and having plenty of aspirin, Ben-Gay, and sleep aids in my medicine cabinet. What I do NOT expect is acne!

I never suffered much from acne as a teenager. I'd occasionally get a zit on my forehead or chin or where have you. But then, I'd pop it, it'd go away, and I'd be clean for several months or so until I got another one. So I suppose I shouldn't really complain about a lone zit popping up once every decade or so.

But damn, seriously, in my 40's shouldn't I be more in need of viagra than Oxy-Clean?

POLT Listening to The Cowboys - Giants football game

Ohmigod, are you sure you're not a homosexual, look how organized this is! - Carson, Queer Eye For The Straight Guy


Anonymous said...

Try being of even partial Italian ancestry. I have fairly oily skin so once in a great while I'll have to pop one.

Anonymous said...

maybe it is something you eat. I know peanut butter does it to me.
