Thursday, September 17, 2009

Night fades into day?, once more with feeling...

Once more this week, I am exhausted. A Local Celebrity, Mr. David ParisPeking and Ghostie came over this evening. We moved a large bookshelf, two medium bookshelves, 10 boxes of books, and from my mother's house to my new house a reclining loveseat and my dad's mother's dining room table. The last being a large, claw footed, wooden thing. Best part about it is, it's got my dad's initals carved into it. When he was in school doing homework at the table, he was bored once and used a pencil to carve his initials in it. They sanded it off and refinished it, but you can still kinda see them.

At any rate, after all that, I am very tired again. And plus, I didn't go to sleep until late last night again. So I really am worn out. I might even go to bed here before too much longer and get some sleep. Tomorrow night, Michelle's coming over at 4:30 and we're gonna pack shit up until...well, I guess untill we get tired of doing so. We should be able to make quite a dent in the packing.

The house now looks a bit more homey (not homo, homey) with a table in the dining room and a place to sit in the living room. And the apartment's growing a bit deserted looking...or at least much much less cluttered!

It still seems daunting to think that in two week's time, I will be totally out of this apartment that's been my home for 12 years, and living in my own house. But for now, I need some rest....just as soon as my raspberries come in on Farmville....

POLT Listening to "Yellow Ledbetter" by Pearl Jam

Life's not worth a damn till you can say, "I am what I am!"

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