Monday, December 14, 2009


Today, spent four hours shopping. Visited Lowes, Sams, The Christmas Stores, Target, Micheals, The Calendar Club, walked around the Prime Outlets and Wal-Mart. Plus, I ate some Mexican (food, not person. Although one of those waiters was quite tempting....).

I think I'm finished with my shopping. Course, I thought this at least twice before. And both times, I realized there was still something else I needed to get. Li But now I truly hope I AM done shopping for Christmas, cause everytime I do go out and do it, it's just a little bit crazier. And my life is crazy enough, i don't need anymore.
At Sams, I saw they had several seasons of "Moonlighting" on DVD, I got the 1st/2nd seasons. Also, they had a few seasons of "tar Trek: The Next Generation." But I noticed something that caught my eye: the final season of Moonlighting and the 2nd season of ST:TNG were both cheaper than the other seasons. And then I remembered the last season of Moonlight and the 2nd season of ST:TNG sucked. Badly. So it's appropriate that they cost less. More suckage=less cost. (in DVDs, not in prostitutes)
I've discovered an old clip from the early 90's. Its the first appearance of Lady Gaga!

The Kids In The Hall....SO ahead of their time.
My mom called me and when I picked up she was laughing. She said she picked up the phone to call me but wanted to change the tv too, so she hit 0-1-2 on the phone, and was momentarily confused as to why the tv hadn't changed. Between laughs, I told her it was a good thing she didn't try to call me on the remote. She laughed more and said she'd done that before. More than once. God love Mama Polt.
I found a set of speakers made specifically for iPods. Got them at Target for $5, so yeah, they high quality. But they do the job. This is the iPod in the speakers stand:

Only later did I realize the speakers had the capability of lighting up as well:

At least it plays the music, that's all that matters in the end.

POLT Listening to the Cardinals-49ers football game

Look, I know it's been a while but I'm not getting humped by a giant red gorilla in outer space! - Carl, Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Tam said...

Your Mom kills me. She's so funny. Very cool speakers. Spacey.

john said...

OMG! I remember Tammy! That skit was hysterical.

My mother would totally do the same thing with the remote. She actually has fallen asleep while on the phone with one of her friends.

Michelle M. said...

Tammy! I won't spread for no roses!

I love your disco speakers : ).